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48075, 48101, 48111, 48120, 48122, 48124, 48125, 48126, 48128, 48135, 48141, 48146, 48150, 48152, 48154, 48167, 48174, 48180, 48185, 48186, 48187, 48192, 48193, 48195, 48203, 48210, 48219, 48227, 48228, 48229, 48235, 48238, 48239, 48240, 48375, 48333, 48336, 48374, 48377, 48331, 48332, 48390, 48393, 48382, 48322
I service the following counties.....
Wayne, Oakland, Macomb
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I have the following REO Certifications, Designations and Memberships
Bachelor's Degree, NAR, MAR, DABOR, GRI, ABR, SFR
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What is your business address? (Postal Format ONLY)
Metropolitan Real Estate
31535 Ford Road Suite 300
Garden City. MI 48135
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Thanks for the comment regarding stopping in on the aset managers office while out out. Thats something that I will do.
Thanks again,
James Again, continued success in Michigan!!!
Thanks for inviting me as a friend. I'm new to the REO busines here in Oakland, CA. Any advice you have would be appreciated.Originally from St.Louis, MO...a midwest girl!
Continued success to you!