Since 2008, at it's core, the REOPro Network is a on-line professional social networking platform that brings together default industry professionals. Among our ranks, you will find; REO Real Estate Agents, Property Preservation Specialist, BPO Managers, Asset Managers, Foreclosure Attorneys, Mortgage Lenders, Default Servicing CEOs and many more.
While we are and will remain a social network, over the years, we have become much more. With our new upgraded platform, REOPro looks toward the future. Focused on building relationships and brand awarness in our niche industry as a leader and advocate for those on the front line with boots on the ground.
With over 2064 blogs and 2961 discussions, REOPro is a virtual library of applicable information provided by our members for our members. Social media is a powerful tool and through our blogs, discussion forums, video sharing, groups and events are members are able to publish relevant content which can rank high and generate SEO traffic for their company and or personal sites. Our members "My Page" can become a virtual REO soclai media hub that builds them real and tangibile industry credibility.
With over 16,000 members nationwide, REOPro provides learning opoortunities and real time relevant industry information, and the social media tools to bring a community together. Our members not only get a foothold in the REO industry, they can open doors to exciting new business opportunities.