All Discussions (3062)

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ISO Software

My manging broker is looking for a computer software program that will allow her to do photo staging without having to pay a per picture price.  She is wanting something that she can just buy the program and have it on her computer.  Any ideas would

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1 Reply · Reply by Shane Reid Feb 8

CollateralXP Legit?

I keep getting these emails from CollateralXP. Are they legit? I can't remember singing up with them

You have some pending requirements to have your account ready to receive automated payments in our platform. Please, log in into our portal, go to you

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4 Replies · Reply by Shane Reid Feb 8

Realty Pilot

So today Realty Pilot said that since I was a member back when, they have discounts as BPOs are picking up. Does anyone still use them or get work from them? I was surprised, it has been years.

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2 Replies · Reply by Sam Shueh Feb 6