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60632, 60633, 60690, 60691, 60699, 60701, 60680, 60681, 60669, 60694, 60695, 60696, 60697, 60693, 60675, 60677, 60670, 60673, 60674, 60687, 60688, 60689, 60663, 60668, 60686, 60679, 60678, 60682, 60684, 60685, 60601, 60602, 60603, 60604, 60605, 60606, 60607, 60608, 60609, 60610, 60611, 60612, 60613, 60614, 60615, 60616, 60617, 60618, 60619, 60634, 60636, 60637, 60638, 60639, 60640, 60641, 60642, 60643, 60644, 60645, 60646, 60647, 60649, 60651, 60652, 60653, 60654, 60655, 60656, 60657, 60659, 60660, 60661, 60664, 60666, 60620, 60621, 60622, 60623, 60624, 60625, 60626, 60628, 60629, 60630, 60631
I service the following counties.....
Cook & Will
Enter your state in the 2 letter abbreviation format.
I have the following REO Certifications, Designations and Memberships
Equator, Equator REO Agent Certification 2010, Equator Platform Silver Certification 2010 , and Disposolutions
How did you hear about REOPro Default Professionals
What is your business address? (Postal Format ONLY)
Joseph Lee 773-392-1716 cell
773-995-6000 ofc
Hello Joseph,
I saw you message to Brandon, I am in the Chicago area as well and tings have really slowed down for me. Are you hearingwhen thwy may lift the hold?
How are things going for you.
Your recentblog post...
Is there a new trend where the agent has pay the CFK and wait for reimbursement?
...isn't so much a blog as it is a general question, this should be posted in the forums.
thank you.