June T Valora replied to Paul Weston's discussion CollateralXP Legit?
"Look them up on LinkedIn and decide. I looked under their "people" and none of them are based out of the US. In addition, it is showing they are a tech company. If I am wrong, please let me know. I would be leery..."
Jan 1, 2024
June T Valora replied to Belinda Agosto's discussion BPO work seems to have dried
"You might want to look up BPOFulfillment. I believe it was the one that had the class action lawsuit against it."
Jan 1, 2024
June T Valora replied to dennis patrick hartigan's discussion what happened to bpo monkey ?
"I heard in another group that they went under."
Jan 1, 2024
June T Valora posted a discussion
My manging broker is looking for a computer software program that will allow her to do photo staging without having to pay a per picture price.  She is wanting something that she can just buy the program and have it on her computer.  Any ideas would…
Oct 12, 2023
June T Valora replied to June T Valora's discussion FirstValuation.com and BrokerPriceOpinion.com
"I just wanted to update everyone and say that I am cautious of Spectrum RE Solutions. It seems that Brandy M who was with a couple companies that had a class action lawsuit against them (her and her father) is now with them. I am not bashing or…"
Sep 14, 2023
June T Valora and Manfred Lewis are now friends
Oct 3, 2022
June T Valora replied to James Mathieu's discussion Auto Accept
"All the time"
Jun 3, 2022
June T Valora replied to C J James's discussion Who is doing these reports at ridiculous low rates?
"I won't do an "interior" anything for less than $75. It takes too much time to work out time/date with POC. They mess up the flow of my work day and everything has to work around them. I have even gotten to some homes and the POC "forgot" that it…"
Jun 3, 2022
June T Valora posted a blog post
I can't help but need to vent after all these years.I have been doing BPO and REO work since 2003.  The fees are the same pittance they were back then but our expenses are out of this world (gas in particular).  The companies have been raising the…
Jun 3, 2022
June T Valora posted a discussion
I am currently using an Auto Accept company (a Monkey) one.  They have raised their rates (in my case) about 4 times what I am currently paying.  Can you guys recommend any Auto Accept companies that don't charge an arm and a leg?  Maybe just a…
May 3, 2018
June T Valora commented on Nicole Ocean's blog post BPO Automation Group Starting Work on New BPO AutoFill Software!!!!!!!
"Nicole Ocean, what I am needing is a program to accept BPO orders while I am on the road.  Do you have any suggestions on that one.  I am with one company who is raising their rates from (for me, at least) $50 to now about $200 per month.  I am old…"
May 3, 2018
June T Valora posted a discussion
I have a recruiter trying to get me to sign up but they are talking about a fee for uploading.  Is anyone paying this?  Is it worth it?  Any info would be a great help....
Mar 22, 2018
June T Valora replied to Zac Brown's discussion Has Anyone Heard of FLeetwood Partners Out of Chicago?
"I just received a call from this company, too.  I made an agreement with them.  They gave me 3 potentials so here is what I did.

I told them that I would do 3 BPOs for them (the 3 properties).  They say they pay $75 each.  I said that I would be…"
Jun 28, 2017
June T Valora replied to June T Valora's discussion FirstValuation.com and BrokerPriceOpinion.com

I am sure I speak for many when I ask:  How far back can we go with this?"
Mar 28, 2017
June T Valora left a comment for Richard F. McAllister
"It seems to me that the best way to speed up BPO completion is to simply get my rear in gear and enter them....lol.  After 14 years of doing this, I would have thought it would get easier. "
Mar 22, 2017
June T Valora replied to June T Valora's discussion BPO Automation Software--Auto Fill
"So far, I have heard a lot about the BPO-Automation but no other programs.  I thank you Nicole, for taking the time from your company to respond to the comments.
At this time, I don't feel that BPO Automation would be a good fit for me.  I did go to…"
Mar 20, 2017