Search for an REO Professional by entering your zip codes in this format XXXXX, XXXXX,
20901, 20902, 20903, 20904, 20905, 20906, 20910, 20912, 20832, 20847, 20848,20849,20850,20851, 20852, 20853, 20854, 20855, 20857, 20859, 20860, 20861, 20866, 20868, 20874, 20875, 20877, 20878, 20879, 20880, 20883, 20884, 20885, 20011, 20012, 20705
I service the following counties.....
Montgomery County
Prince Georges County
Howard County
Washington, DC
Enter your state in the 2 letter abbreviation format.
I have the following REO Certifications, Designations and Memberships Certified, CDPE, NABPOP, NAR
How did you hear about REOPro Default Professionals
What is your business address? (Postal Format ONLY)
ReMax Excellence Realty
10230 New Hampshire Ave
Suite 100
Silver Spring, MD 20903
What is your office phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
What is your fax # (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
It seems that the train might have left the station with regard to BPOs....
I will check in once in a while. In the meantime, good luck!
Thanks for the warm welcome. I look forward to meeting you as well.
I see you have great designations. Which one has most enhanced your career? Looking to spend my education budget wisely this year. Thank you in advance. Donna
Got your friend request and accepted of course. I am still waiting for my first REO. Getting frustrated. It is a bunch of men who have been doing it since before I was born around here!