order (1)


BPO Automation Group, LLC has just completed the sale of its software, Order Central, to the firm of Order Capture, Inc. This change will result in the ability of each firm to focus solely on one product. For BPOA the sole product will be its very successful AutoFill software. For OCI, the sole focus will be on enhancing the capability of Order Central software by adding new tasks to its capture capability and improvements to the software itself. The staff of Order Capture, Inc. includes Steve Lorimer, BPOA's former part-owner/Sales Manager, and the original Order Central development team with some added members.

The pricing, cancellation and refund policies, along with the software tasks and most of its capabilities have not changed, thus the software you have experienced at BPOA will continue to reliably capture orders for you. But, you will need to sign up for your credit card billing at Order Capture.com and download the slightly revised software.

All BPOA customers, upon transition over to Order Capture, Inc. will continue with their pricing plan that has been in effect at BPOA. This pricing will continue at Order Capture, Inc. Moving over to Order Capture, Inc. from BPO Automation Group is easy and should only take a few minutes. You should do it as soon as possible to avoid future disruption of service. If you have any questions or concerns about this move, please don't hesitate to contact either Steve at: support@ordercapture.com or support@bpo-automation.com.

Here is how to enjoy a quick and easy transition to Order Capture, Inc:

1. Go to www.ordercapture.com and browse for awhile, then click on the ‘Start Today’ tab. When prompted for the license key that you have had assigned to you at the BPO Automation Group there are two choices:

   * Click on the ‘Key Look Up’ tab and enter your name and email address. This link will provide your license key quickly and easily so that it can be copy and pasted into the license key prompt.

   * You can go to the Settings tab within Order Central to see your license key. It is a long code that looks like ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP-QRST-UVWX-YZTA. This would have also been emailed to you when you first signed up for Order Central with BPO Automation Group.

2. Select whether you are primarily a BPO agent or appraiser and click Submit. You will be directed to a secure billing screen for entry of your credit card information. For security reasons, we are unable to transfer your credit card information automatically from BPO Automation to Order Capture, Inc.

3. Upon completion of the billing information, go back to the Start Today tab and click, DOWNLOAD. If you need any help installing Order Central 2.0, please refer to the Installation Guide at: http://ordercapture.com/support/installation-guide/. Follow the directions and your software will be downloaded quickly for your use.

4. Order Central for BPO Automation Group is in version 1.0. At Order Capture, Inc., we have updated Order Central to 2.0 and added some improvements that are mostly behind the scenes. To continue using Order Central, you must install Order Central 2.0. Your account at BPOA will be terminated on June 15th, so be sure to transition over prior to then. Your current version of Order Central will not automatically update to 2.0.

5. Again, if you need any help installing Order Central 2.0, please refer to the Installation Guide.

6. Once you've installed Order Central 2.0, the first time you run it, you will be asked to enter the email address you used to sign up and the password you entered.

7. You should now uninstall Order Central 1.0.

We have taken steps to insure that double billing will not occur during the switch-over from BPOA to OCI. If you see anything that appears incorrect on your next billing statements, please know that you will be issued a refund for any duplicate billings, if any, that are found.

You should find Order Central 2.0 to be very familiar and won't require any relearning. Most enhancements we've made are under the hood. We want to make sure current BPO Automation Group customers are able to transition smoothly before we introduce new features.

Thank you,

Nicole Ocean and Steve Lorimer

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