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  • Hello, Sorry for the delay in response...just crazey busy with everything.
    1. The best thing you can do is to sign up for all the bpo/reo companies you can. There is a list here, Dont pay for anything other than Reotrans (take 10-15 zip codes, not the most popular ones but the ones that have high foreclosure rate and other agents shy away from, maybe because of the low sale prices or crime rate whatever. & $250 yr. That will do it for now.
    2. Do only the amounts of bpos you can turn them in time and with quality.

    it will take time .. but will happen if you keep at it.

    send me email if you have specific questions...

    Good Luck
  • No, not with Trend Setter, We are a make ready company working with banks, and realtors
  • Hi Rashida- How are you doing? Nice profile.
  • Hi Rashida:

    I have looked over your profile page and it looks fine. The explaination of your attire is understandable and I am sure will be appreciated by others who don't know or understand.

    good luck and i wish you the best.
  • Rashida...I obtain about 4 short sales a month using my current system. My business partner and I plan to increase our efforts to obtain 8 listings per month. If you want to learn about short sale listings in detail, I would suggest looking into Harris University Real Estate Training. This is where I learned everything I know about short sale listings. It is worth every penny I spent. I am not an affiliate and have nothing to gain by referring this company. Good luck! Short Sales are the future over REO's.
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