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I service the following counties.....
Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange
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I have the following REO Certifications, Designations and Memberships
Equator Platinum Certified REO & Shortsale certified, RES Net, NAR, IVAR, CAR, REOMac
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Searching the net.
What is your business address? (Postal Format ONLY)
David Hennigan
HCR Homes and Land
3646 Hamner Ave
Norco Ca 92860
951-479-9071 office
951-531-1034 fax
951-847-0353 cell
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Hi David, Yes the rep is someone I was using as a lender referral. But the way I understand it on the application link I provided, you need to put someone down as a Bank of America retail rep. So pick someone local that you will be comfortable doing business with and let that person know you will be doing this. Also, I noticed that B of A is pretty big on CDPE designation. I highly recommend getting it (Watch out to webinar on their site, they usually have discount codes). Here is the link to sign up as a B of A REO agent.
There have been several BPO orders in my area for MainStreet Valuations and PVC Murcor and Lamco. They are always first come first serve. I have only been quick enough to catch one.I know there are several "Auto Acceptor" programs available. Which ones do you all use and are they successful.
Has anyone heard of Infinity National Asset Managegment. I received an email this morning asking me to join their team. They also require you to be cetified by NVSI (National Valuations Standards Institute). They charge $399 for their training.
If anyone has heard of them or done the training , I would appreciate the feedback. $399 is more than I care to throw away!