Search for an REO Professional by entering your zip codes in this format XXXXX, XXXXX,
Hi Christian, thank you so much for the add. I do appreciate it.
Diane Brady
Presently, I don't work with any REO agents. I get all my business directly from Master Contracting Agencies that parse out repair/upkeep assignments from the banks themselves. I am going to branch out and start developing relationships with REO agents/brokers this year and see how that compares to the MCA experiences I've had.
Hi Christian,
Thanks for inviting me.I am a new member.I would like to know more about Realty Pilot
and when it gets launched.
Good Morning!
I am an REO property preservation business owner on the East coast so, if anyone has questions about this field, I'd be happy to answer them. Saw alot of noise about it on REOPro's blog.
I'm sorry you're assistant called me today and I thought it was the 16th telemarketer that got through my secretary's screening today, LOL. Pleasure to connect.
Hi Christian,
I just read your post about Concourse 360. I've been waiting for this system to launch. I can't wait to see it in action.
Hi Christian,
Quick question...are you offering a discount to the BPO portion of RealtyPilot to REOpro members?