
  • Please remember to track your BPO payments by recording them in the BPO/Accounting section. This will assure that you are tracking these payments and it also allows you to see total income at a glance from any BPO volume you do. This also works with BPOs that are done for clients that are not using our system. We have found that over 15% of all BPOs go unpaid because agents fail to keep organized records or they find chasing the money is to difficult.

  • All contact information can be found under Clients/Asset Companies in our software. Go to the asset manager tab and you will find all the GRC contacts

  • I just did 4 interiors . Immediately went and took all the pics required and then two days later got the e inspection orders which required a lot more pics I got busy and could not go back 60 mile round trip for 17.5 why I did not get both orders at the same they could not answer
  • Reality Pilot is not an interceptor. It is just a tool the half decent feature is extension to auto-fill the address. It can not auto fill any forms with drop down boxes.  You have to type in what it can not perform which is a lot.

    Like everyone here I receive a few eMail telling me a job that already got intercepted. I accepted 5 a few months ago. Only I happen to be on this site.  Boy, did the work order disappear fast! 

    As for payment from GR they still owe me 3 overdue. Got two paid one month ago. Time to bug GR!

    • Kinda surprised to see positive feedback? I cought them hitting my credit card 3 times in one month, anyone else?

      • John- There is no record of multiple charges on your account. Someone sent this to me so I took it upon myself to look into it since our system is automated. It shows that you opened a free account in May of 2012 with a single client. You then accepted a BPO from a client other than the free account you had and accepted the charge for converting to a full account for $29.95. In March of 2013 you canceled the account. There are no other charges on your account from either our merchant account nor our log records. If you can send me proof that you had multiple charges from Realty Pilot, I will personally make sure you are fully reimbursed but as it stands there was only one charge on your account.

  • Doug, do you know if the glitch with GRC is taken care of? I took 2 jobs, took the photos, came back home to start on the work only to find the BPOs had been pulled. I called the VM at GRC, she told me they were not supposed to be posted, they were for a specific agent. No trip fee, just wasted time and money. She advised to always call before taking the work. That really turned me off of even trying to take work from Realty Pilot.

    • I read your post about this earlier this evening and have escalated this to our technical team for an update.  As soon as I know something, I'll post it here.

      • I just confirmed that the "glitch" is a training issue at GRC.  Evidently, some VM's have opened the BPO on the Realty Pilot (RP) system not realizing that as soon as it's activated, an e-mail blast goes out to get the property assigned.  Some VM's have then realized that they wanted to assign the BPO to a specific agent and did the reassignment on the client portal.  Realty Pilot's system logs can confirm this is what's happened in several instances.  Since RP cannot restrict clients from reassignments, we will be adding an additional control that immediately notifies an agent if a BPO order that was previously accepted by an agent is reassigned by the client.  In addition, we've discussed this procedural issue with GRC and this will be addressed within their organization.

        • Just wanted to update the discussion that the notification I mentioned above was implemented overnight and is active and functional as of this morning.  If a client reassigns the BPO after it has already been accepted, then the Broker/Agent will receive an e-mail immediately notifying them that this has occurred and that the reason for the change is due to the client's actions, not that of Realty Pilot.

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