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I have been with Titanium Solutions which I think is a great company with a great mission. I was wondering because after doing about 27 assignments over the past year I have yet to get one listing. Even following up still none have gone forward to sell their homes. What kind of success have you had thus far? Richard Lawler
Your latest blog, isn't a blog so much it's a forum thread. You already have replies so, i don't want you to loose those so, don't delete this blog but, just to re-familiarize yourself, read over the descriptions located right above the blog section and forum section.
So, what is a Forum?
A Forum is different from a blog in that a Forum isn't an editorial. A Forum post is an online discussion, like a blog but, it may start with nothing more than a simple sentence or idea where as a blog is a lot like a news paper opinion editorial.
This site is dedicated to the Realtors who work with Lenders, Banks and Asset Managers in assisting them with the liquidation of their real estate portfolio holdings.
We are a Network of Professionals spread across the country and have come together online to network and provide support through our accumulated knowledge and experience. This support could be anything from providing information on ways to obtain industry recognized designations, to the contact information of the Asset Managers who can make or break us. The power of our network will be determined by those who participate openly and freely.
I really would like this to be a place where we as Listing Agents can share information without constraint with one another in the pursuit to help each other in the advancement of our shared profession.
Feel free to customize your “my page”, start your blog, add events, post photos, share videos and invite people to any of the new groups formed here by REOPRO. I believe with your help, this network can have a positive impact on the lives and professional development of all who are members.
If you have any other suggestion, feel free to send them my way, I will truly consider them, the door is always open and welcome to REOPRO