I was curious to see if anyone here in the group had experience with Asset Management Servicing, LLC, which operates www.ams4reo.com? I received an email from them today to register for BPO & REO assignments, which includes a $200 fee. Their website is pretty basic and vague, so I couldn't see a way to search current properties listed or even if they operate in my part of the country.Any input that you could provide would be appreciated!AJ Heidmann, ABR, CRS, e-PROCell 703-474-1260 ~ Office 703-518-8300 ~ Fax 703-518-8314AHeidmann@CBMove.comColdwell Banker Residential Brokerage310 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314Licensed in Virginia
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Going back to my old notes I noticed that I send $200.00 to AMS4REO with the application and they did received both the money and my application. I don't know what they did with th application but I know what they did with the money.
They got me for $200 two years ago. Lee Ann promised me a refund several times, but of course it never happened. Maybe if enough send them money, I will get mine back!!
Their website is still at http://ams4reo.org/map.php - See if your name is on their list. My area has a lot of agents. You probably have to login and update your info. I remember I got an email from Tom to do some updates.
According to the website, Tom Oldefendt is still the CEO/President and LeeAnn Axcell is still the REO Manager as well as a Board Member of REOMAC at http://www.reomac.com/committees.asp (See photo).
Thinking about LeeAnn being a member of REOMAC, I believe they must of had a goal when they started this company. It is a start up company and only a few had already gotten something out of it, while the rest have to wait for the next batch of bundle REO. If they don't have any from your area in the batch, you most likely have to wait. They are putting their reputation on the line. So there must be something they were trying to accomplish or create for the REO industry. Whether they reached their goal/expectation or not that remains unknown.
I noticed on REOMAC committee there is at least one Asset Manager, a representative from a well known bank REO department. I believe those are good contacts, if they reached their goals.
I just went to REOMAC and sent the following message to them:
"Does anyone at REOMAC know anything about AMS4REO.com? I see that LeeAnn Axcell is a Board Member with REOMAC. I along with numerous other agents have invested hundreds of dollars signing up with there company for REO business and have never heard any more from them. Their telephone numbers do not work and emails bounce back. Is this the kind of people you elect to serve with your organization?
Times are really tuff in this business now-a-days and money is hard to come by as often our contracts fall apart due to no fault of the agent. ADD to that companies such as AMS4REO to "dupe" us out of $300- $400 with empty promises is even worse!! Especially when you have no recourse and your money is "thrown away" once again.
Lesson here - don't trust you or any other company that says they are trying to help the consumer, banks, agents or whoever - they are really only trying to help themselves."
I signed up and have received 2 listings with them. They are easy to work with.
Daniel Buckley > Stephanie WoodsSeptember 8, 2009 at 2:12am
I got three listings through them back in April but they got sold quick and that was the end of it. I emailed them a few time for more listings but the the emails came back undeliverable. So, not sure whats going on with them at the moment.
Daniel Buckley > Daniel BuckleySeptember 8, 2009 at 2:16am
By the way, I never paid the $200! I did not complete the application and the next thing I know I got a call to list properties. So, when I get the emails saying that my application is almost complete, just pay the $200 I ignore it.
Going back to my old notes I noticed that I send $200.00 to AMS4REO with the application and they did received both the money and my application. I don't know what they did with th application but I know what they did with the money.
Their website does not work.
According to the website, Tom Oldefendt is still the CEO/President and LeeAnn Axcell is still the REO Manager as well as a Board Member of REOMAC at http://www.reomac.com/committees.asp (See photo).
Thinking about LeeAnn being a member of REOMAC, I believe they must of had a goal when they started this company. It is a start up company and only a few had already gotten something out of it, while the rest have to wait for the next batch of bundle REO. If they don't have any from your area in the batch, you most likely have to wait. They are putting their reputation on the line. So there must be something they were trying to accomplish or create for the REO industry. Whether they reached their goal/expectation or not that remains unknown.
I noticed on REOMAC committee there is at least one Asset Manager, a representative from a well known bank REO department. I believe those are good contacts, if they reached their goals.
"Does anyone at REOMAC know anything about AMS4REO.com? I see that LeeAnn Axcell is a Board Member with REOMAC. I along with numerous other agents have invested hundreds of dollars signing up with there company for REO business and have never heard any more from them. Their telephone numbers do not work and emails bounce back. Is this the kind of people you elect to serve with your organization?
Times are really tuff in this business now-a-days and money is hard to come by as often our contracts fall apart due to no fault of the agent. ADD to that companies such as AMS4REO to "dupe" us out of $300- $400 with empty promises is even worse!! Especially when you have no recourse and your money is "thrown away" once again.
Lesson here - don't trust you or any other company that says they are trying to help the consumer, banks, agents or whoever - they are really only trying to help themselves."