Windows 8 for BPOs & REOs?

My computer is dying from old age and some abuse. Therefore I need to buy a new computer.

I'm nervous about learning a new platform, Windows 8, and being able to complete orders right out of the box. It took me months to learn and especially setup this computer just the way I liked it for all my work needs. Are there likely to be compatibility issues?

Do you have computer suggestions or experience with Windows 8 that would impact the purchase of a computer for BPO and REO?

Thank you in advance for your information and opinions. 

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    • Thanks, I didn't know that there was a newer version of 7.  I'll be checking computers out the end of the month and I'll be sure to take a look at HP. It's always worked for my printing. Thanks again

  • Loraine,

    In my opinion Windows 8 standard setup is great for personal use (media apps) but a little poor for business.  It can be customized to appear similar to Windows 7 but why go through the effort if it's just going to get reverted back?  Mostly the web browser settings need to be modified to access valuation companies.  The Equi-trax platform is so ancient from what I understand there are issues accessing from Windows 8 OS.  Other companies have similar issues (ServiceLink/PowerLink/ISGN to name a few), but you just have to change the compatibility views via the web browser.  Would advise to purchase Windows OS every other version here is their track record:

    Windows 98 - Good
    Windows 00 - Bad
    Windows XP - Good
    Windows Vista - Bad
    Windows 7 - Good
    Windows 8 - ...

    John Gattinger

    • Surprised to see that Vista is considered Bad. I've been using Vista shortly after they came out when I bought a new laptop and have liked it or just gotten use to using it. I have everything setup just the way I like it. As my hard drive slowly fills up and my computer starts to get older, I have started moving files to an online backup and using cloud OS that can be accessed with my cellphone also. My wifes laptop has Windows 8 and I don't like that OS at all. Too confusing and hard to find what I'm looking for.

    • Thanks everyone for the info. I think I'll just buy another computer but stick with good old windows 7. I have my data & programs backed up on a cloud. As I said, I'm very comfortable with 7 having used it significantly for work product thse pass few years and remember the brief trama of Vista. Thanks again!

  • Hewlett Packard ( is advertising Windows 7 computers on their website right now.  It is much more like XP than Windows 8 will ever be.   I've got a new Windows 7 HP desktop that I haven't switched over to just yet. I'm still using my old XP but I'm running out of memory and it's slooooowing waaaaay doooown.  It is time to switch now since Microsoft will stop supporting XP and will make it more vulnerable to viruses.

    I'd wait past Windows 8 to get their next operating system or take advantage of a Windows 7 machine.

    As for browsers, Sam, there are still some BPO clients' websites that can't use Chrome or even the latest Internet Explorer versions.  And an XP computer can't go any farther than IE8 and IE9 is already out there.

  • You can always activate to IE7. It is the browser version and type that bothers most work. OS should not impact your work.

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