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  • Hi Michelle,

    I am originally from Hoboken and we are now living in Tampa. We are planning a trip to visit clients in Salt Lake and I want to try to visit with Select Profolio (SPS). I noticed a post that you are working with them and we really want to try to get in to meet with them. I have four friends traveling with me, all REO agents from San Diego, Washington and Florida. We will be in Salt Lake on March 11 and 12th. Can you give us any help? Maybe we can arrange an office visit together. Site visits have been very successful for us.
    Please let me know. I will be on a cruise 28-7 but you can email me at Thanks
  • Hi Michele, The first assignment you got a listing and now you get 50% listing taken per Titanium Solutions assignments that is great. Yet you’d rather they stay in their homes. I agree with that yet at the same time if they could you would not have even had an appointment with them.
    I started over two years ago knocking the doors of homes that were likely to be upside down in the near future. Most had loans (1st and 2nd) that have adjusted or will in the near future. My goal was to let these homeowners know they do not have to pay an up front fee to anyone to find if they qualify for a loan modification. This was a great way to build my SOI.
    That was before I came across Titanium Solutions. In my service area we did not have that many properties defaulting so most of the assignments I would travel at least 30 minute drive which in the city of Los Angeles could be some distance.
    I know when I do my prospecting it takes now 40 contacts per a qualified listing appointment. More then not most of my assignments with Titanium Solutions the homeowners are ever home. Sometime I even go more then required and still can not make a contact. I keep them all on my follow up list and none of them yet have listed their homes.
    You numbers are the best I have heard with Titanium Solution assignments. How many per month do you get?

    Good job
  • Hello Michele,
    I have been with Titanium Solutions which I think is a great company with a great mission. I was wondering because after doing about 27 assignments over the past year I have yet to get one listing. Even following up still none have gone forward to sell their homes. What kind of success have you had thus far? Richard Lawler
  • Michele, Welcome to the group! Plese let me know if I can help you in any way! 800-886-2077 or my cell 404-312-0801.

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