Search for an REO Professional by entering your zip codes in this format XXXXX, XXXXX,
33901, 33903, 33904, 33905, 33907, 33908, 33909, 33912, 33913, 33914, 33916, 33917, 33919, 33920, 33922, 33928, 33931, 33936, 33956, 33957, 33966, 33967, 33971, 33972, 33990, 33991, 33993, 34134, 34135, 34101, 34102, 34103, 34104, 34105, 34106, 34107, 34108, 34109, 34110, 34112, 34113, 34114, 34116, 34117, 34119, 34120, 34146, 34145, 34142, 34143
I service the following counties.....
Collier, Hendry, Lee
Enter your state in the 2 letter abbreviation format.
I have the following REO Certifications, Designations and Memberships
Florida Assoc. of Realtors
Royal Palm Coast Realtor Assoc.
SW Florida Matrix MLS
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What is your business address? (Postal Format ONLY)
3507 Lee Blvd. #242
Lehigh Acres, FL. 33971
What is your office phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
What is your fax # (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Michael, How are you doing?
i hope you're business is good in Ft Myers!
my REO business has really slowed down over last 6 weeks with ZERO listings..........all 4 of my REO listings are in Escrow, but nothing new coming in ..........have you heard when things might pick back up?
Nice to meet you here through REOPro. Have a nice day!