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  • James,


    I live 2 hours north of Seattle on Whidbey Island.  I have been doing bpo work for 5+ years

    and 3 REO listings with Suntrust and Beal in the last 6 months.  I have CDPE,SFS,CRS,GRI designations. I am ready to move to the next level now that I have a team in place to help.

    Any advice would be appreciated.  I have not been able to figure out how to get VA listings or Fannie Mae.  Seems like most of the REO listings here on the Island are agents from Seattle or surrounding area and about 1 1/2 to 2 hours away. Whidbey Island Naval Air Station is her so we have a lot of VA foreclosures. 


    My contact info is:Terri Neilon, Owner/Broker

                                   RE/MAX Acorn Properties



    Thanks again for sharing so much info with everyone.



  • Hello James,

    Thank you for any tips that can help my number is 954-822-0548

  • I have done tons of BPOs for the past 2 years, but have not been able to get a listing from any company yet. I work is South Florida, Broward county and North Dade. If you have any tips that could help me start getting those listings, I will appreciate your help.
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