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Montgomery, Howard, Prince George's, Frederick, Alexandria, Arlington, Prince William, Fairfax,
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Marlyand, Virgina, D.C.
Brian Richard
I dont have any to exchange at this moment that I have a budy budy realtionship with, I got some of the asset manager emails, but once I have some I might be able to share with you.
You can always try investing sharing with me that information and introdicing me to your AM, it might pay off when you less expected.or if not what do you have in mind?.
My email is or 760-535-4429.
Simple, it took a referral...... from the lawn care guy! That got me in the door to a local bank. That asset manager knew an asset manager at BoA and gave me a referral. That opened the door to do a couple of BPO's. I didn't get the first round of listings, but stayed in touch. Six months later I got a second chance for BPO's and got that group of listings.
By working my backside off for them, BoA hired me as a consultant to do some research and BPO for a large subdivision of foreclosures. They needed some research done as the builders were contesting the foreclosure and all the properties were going to be tied up in court for a year, so they wanted to pay for the work I would normally do for free as part of the listing.
Now I'm working my asset managers to refer me to other asset managers within BoA. Hopefully that will open the door to more business.
From what I have seen is that they often pick at random a local agent to do BPO's, and then they make a decision off the BPO quality. So if you get a request to do one, go overboard!
Good Luck!