
  • Hi David,

    Not sure what your motivation is but, if you want to be a REO Agent without doing BPOs, you might want to find another career path.......REO may not be for you.
    • Jesse
      Can you tell me how to start doing BPO's I have the SFR, CRS, TRC, and NAHREP certifications however I am in Utah and I do't have a clue how to start. In utah is not required be an appraisal to do BPO's.
      How can I start?
      • Gabriel, Use the list that REOPro has and start applying to each company. It is laborious, but it's how you get started. Read my blogs on what I did as well, it may help.
        • Johnny, Where do find the list on REOPro?
      • Ivetta had the perfect advice but, you can also go to the REO/BPO Sign up tab on this network and fine a list of over 175 companies you can sign up with.
      • Jesse, you can google bpo companys and find a list of them for free. Apply to as many as possible. You will need to have W-9, E@O and you have to be a real estate broker/agent. Round up your zip codes before sighning up. Good luck!
  • When I started doing REO's in 2006 I was able to get listings from, then,Countrywide without doing a single BPO From Wells Fargo after 5 BPO's were done I received listings. By the end of 2007 I had 67 listings and had only done 23 BPO's. Unfortunately that has all changed. With all the agents trying to get into the REO business the banks or asset companies have figured out that the BPO is a good way to show a Resume of sorts. They figure if you can't do a BPO correctly they certainly don't want you listing their homes.
    If you can start doing BPO's for several companies you will eventually get listings. Just be patient and hang in there.
    Good Luck!
    • David:
      What certifications do you have to have in order to be more accepted by the banks?
      How much investment you have done? in what time did you recuperate that?
    • I have been doing BPO's for 2 years now and still no REO's. I'm with, REOtrans/Eqator.. or what ever they are now. I'm certified platinum with them. I'm also with Lamco and tone of BPO comp... NOTHING.. Just paying money to them for nothing.. My BPO turn around is 24-48 hours and i'm never late. Have done about 1000 bpo's last year or maybe more.. can't even count them anymore.. Hardly have Qc's ever and still nothing.. Just frastrating..

      • Look at this way. 1,000x$50=$50,000
        that pays the bills and stay occupied. I bet your valuation is better than anyone.
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