I had completed 6 orders with this company back in 2012, and still haven't been paid. It's coming up on 2 years now! Every time I have called, I leave a message, they call me back, and tell me that they are processing the payment. Anyone else run into this problem?
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I did 6 for them this year and have never been paid. Quit accepting orders. Writing off as bad debt.
Erica, as I have had to do with 5 other wonderful BPO companies, I am in the process of suing Broker Price Opinion in small claims. As with the other companies, I placed liens on the properties once I go the default judgement. Of the 5, 3 have already paid and 2 still have not. But that is OK as they are racking up 10% compounded monthly interest for as long as it takes them or whoever owns the properties to pay me.
With the original cost of the BPO plus court costs, lien filing fees and interest, it will become an expensive BPO for some of these companies.
I unknowingly joined Paul's "Monday Strike" against this company today when I was responding to an unsolicited order they sent me 3 days ago for a exterior at $65.
My antennae went up right away because the rate was higher than normal and the address was not in a high crime area (which I specialize in).
They had assigned me an access name and pw and THEN wanted me to fill out a user page, so I decided to check them out online, and that's when I found out that there are over 250 agents looking for money from as far back as two years.
So when Vicky M called to check on the order status, I informed her that, due to her company's established practice of not paying for Realtor services rendered, I would not be performing this, or any other valuation for her company until they have remedied their non-payment practices.
Vicky offered to send a "30 day payment agreement", which I refused. Then she asked what it would take for me to complete the valuation? I told her I would extend services on my terms, which would be payment in advance to my Paypal account, and I would be responsible for imbursing my brokerage for their portion of the fee. "We can't do that", she said.
"Then you can't work with me", I said, and done.
I just called VICKIE-I suggest we all call her today
I contacted their BBB and managed to get half what they owed me. You may want to try that.
I did, in the past, gave a date for payment in full, received, I do no more for them.
LW Holton
I think they hope you will just go away, so you have to be very persistent. In additional to continuous phone calls & emails, you need to file a report with the BBB. You may have to file more than one report with the BBB, since once BrokerPriceOpinion.com responds to your complaint, they want to close out your complaint, regardless of whether or not you are satisfied. Sarah Sandoval is who I have been dealing with at BrokerPriceOpinion.com. If I get her voicemail, I call back and ask for Mr Coates, for some reason Sarah seems to answer her phone then. So far, I've been paid a large portion of what they owed, but only in monthly installments. I do have to call every month and ask when I'll be receiving my check, though. I'll be very happy when they have paid me all they owe, so I can be rid of them for good! Good luck to you & don't back down until you have been paid every penny they owe you!
Here is the link to the Attorney General in Colorado
https://www.coloradoattorneygeneral.gov/complaint ... Use "Private Business" or "Other" link.
You probably need to screen shots the complaints from other Realtors as proof. They need more than one proof in order to do anything, otherwise your complaint will be at the bottom of the pile.
Everyone who did not get a check should do this. Don't forget to mention how long it takes per order or give a good description what does this work involves. ... I wonder if it is okay to mention the fact that by not paying you, the IRS and states are not getting their fair share of the income tax from you and other Realtors nationwide.
My complaint is against both the companies as well their employees who are soliciting agents, like myself, to perform work. Work Orders which they have no intention of paying for. The solicitation comes in the form of a call from one of the “Boiler Room” solicitors called “Broker Coordinators” asking if I would conduct a “Broker Price Opinion” on a certain property. This work requires that the person being solicited drive to a certain property to evaluate its condition. It requires taking pictures of the property, personally evaluating the property condition and comparing it to other properties in the area that are similar The process usually takes at least 4 hours to complete and then you submit a report Once the company receives the report and accepts your work, the work order is listed as complete. …. For this you are supposed to be paid a fee (in my case anywhere from $40 to $75 per work order. The company originally told me they would pay in 30 days (they deny telling me that). When I inquired the next time concerning payment, they told me 60-90 days for payment. When payment did not occur in this time frame, they said 90 days. It’s a game they play to push payment out as far as they can so not to pay at all.
I have completed 38 work under my name as well as 7 work orders placed with the real estate office that holds my license. That is a total of 45 completed work orders for which they owe me $2,000+.
The company has over 440+ complaints with the Colorado Better Business Bureau and has an active class action suit filed in the Denver District Court for exactly what I am filing this complaint…..NON PAYMENT.
Of course like many before me, I didn’t check the company’s BBB file until I got concerned of this SCAM. That’s when it became clear that this was FRAUD…. Fraud conducted by not only the company but also their employees/solicitors who are very aware of this deception and on a daily basis continue to solicit real estate agents, like myself, knowing full well the company has no intention of paying for work completed. As I stated, this complaint is not only being filed against the company and its ownership. This is also being filed against their employees as well. Those who call on behalf of the company to solicit real estate agents to work as independent contractors are well aware of this scam. Employees such as: Sarah Sandoval (Accounts Payable), Broker Coordinators… Jennifer Echavarria, …Alex Gere, ….Brandy May, ….Marissa Rodriguez, …Lisa Gere, ….Cassandra Ulibarri, ….Vicky McCulloch and …Roberta Haugen. These are some of the Broker Coordinators that I have dealt with. They continue recruiting new agents with this deceptive practice.
I would like to be paid in full….IMMEDIATELY.
Their record with 440 complaints with the BBB and the active lawsuit speaks to their lack of integrity and that of their employees
There’s a total of 45 work orders that need to be paid.
I was paid within 2 weeks after this and many other emails because I aggresively continued to target their employees with emails and updates..sometimes up to 10 per day
I'm glad you got paid, Paul!
But gawd what an effort you had to expend!!