stimulus (3)

Stimulus doesn't work

  Stimulus doesn't work......why you may be asking? Because
the people who put the numbers together may or may not realize that the numbers
they are working from are not as they could be. Now, you might
be wondering why I would be talking about unemployment rates in a default real
estate blog.....right? Well, if you are one of the few lucky ones that
are.....let me leave you with a simple thought. No jobs, no housing market., the above chart was President Obamas Council of
Economic Advisers predictions of unemployment. Now, the red line is the actual
unemployment of this last week. The top light blue line is the rate
as projected by the Council of Economic Advisers if no stimulus money was ever
spent. Do you see the problem........nope? Well, if you can't see the problem
here, go speak to any 5th grader who is learning about graphs and
measurement....they will explain the problem to you. comes the kicker. You see the bottom dark blue /
green line.....well, that is what the "advisers" said would be the
unemployment rate with stimulus spending.

In case you don't get it....let me break it down for you. We
spent, per the advisers our unemployment rate should be around
7.5% however, instead, it's at 9.1% so, my question is, at what
point....literally, at what point do we determine stimulus spending isn't
making a substantial enough impact that we stop the failed wealth
redistribution policies and get back to common sense?

The housing market isn't going to recover without jobs and
jobs aren't going to come with failed stimulus spending so, let's all start
acting like responsible adults and stop trying to politically "capitalize"
on the situation by pushing agendas.

Ask yourself, why is it so hard for elected officials to
speak truthfully to the American public, tell us just how bad it really is,
stop the failed spending policies, reduce our debt and begin working on
policies that stimulate small business ownership in this country? Maybe it's
because this message doesn't get you re-elected?

IF we don't start focusing on the real issues in our
domestic economic policies, we can all forget about a housing market because we
are going to be too concerned with paying over inflated prices for common every
day goods that people aren't going to be able to afford a house anymore.

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I really don’t know why this is so hard for so many to understand.

The Government doesn’t make money, it takes money. All the money it spends comes from taxes and that money comes from you and me. I should say, it’s taken from you and me.

When the Government decides to spend enormous amounts of our money on stimulus programs all they are doing is moving resources from one area to another and creating a temporary shallow relief, if it does anything at all. For example, remember cash for clunkers, cash for caulkers, bank bailout, summer of recovery and the latest the housing tax credit. All of which, did no permanent correction or fix to this economy. After this many attempts, what is it going to take for our leadership to understand…’s not working, STOP!

Let’s focus on the recent housing tax credit. Did you see the reports the month after it expired, existing housing sales dropped by 27%, in one month! The worse home sales decline on record, since we started keeping records from 1968. In mid August when these terrible numbers came out, we saw reports that asked, “Has the Housing Recovery Stalled?” I got one thing to ask, Seriously?

A stimulus isn’t a recovery. A stimulus is nothing more than a temporary shallow fix so, if in the mean time you aren’t implementing solid economic strategies that instill confidence, fix corruption and allow business and individuals to make as much money as they can, recovery will never happen.

Today we learned the unemployment numbers rose to 9.6%. Let’s get down to brass tax, if people don’t have an income, people can’t keep or buy homes. Folks, unless the Government gets serious about creating jobs, foreclosure will be around for a long time.

How does anyone create a job?

Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Tax Payer need to be confident enough to invest in their communities by opening up a sandwich shop, a bike retailer, a coffee house, a “you fill in the blank”.

Confidence is key to our housing recovery. Business owners need to know what their expenses are and more importantly that they aren’t going up. This Government has got all of us asking, how much for Obama Care, how much for the next bailout, how much does Barney Frank want to spend, don’t forget, Nancy Pelosi wants some to. Who is going to go out, and put their life savings in an environment where the bottom line is hazy at best?

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New Home Credit and First Time BuyerCredit of $10,000 goes into effect May 1, 2010. $100 million isallocated to the New Home Credit and $100 million to the First TimeBuyer Credit.

The very popular New Home Credit in 2009 ran out ofmoney quickly. It generated so many sales that it was re-introducedagain this year along with the First Time Buyer Credit.
The money for the First-Time BuyerCredit is expected to run out much faster than the New Home Credit thisyear.

Theeligible taxpayer who purchases a qualified personal residence onand after May 1, 2010, and on or before Dec. 31, 2010, or whopurchases a qualified principal residence on and after Dec. 31,2010, and before Aug. 1, 2011, pursuant to an enforceable contractexecuted on or before Dec. 31, 2010, will be able to take theallowed tax credit. The credit is equal to the lesser of 5 percentof the purchase price or $10,000, in equal installments overthree consecutive years. Under AB 183, purchasers will be required tolive in the home for at least two years or forfeit the credit(i.e., repay it to the state).

HOWEVER...this money willgofast
The $100 millionallocated for California's first-timehomebuyer taxcredits may be depleted in about 20 days or sooner. Thetotal tax credit allocation for all taxpayers is $100million for first-time homebuyers and $100 million for new homes, bothon a first-come, first-served basis.

For an update on howmany applications have been filed and for the dollar amount, watch thissite:
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