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I really don’t know why this is so hard for so many to understand.

The Government doesn’t make money, it takes money. All the money it spends comes from taxes and that money comes from you and me. I should say, it’s taken from you and me.

When the Government decides to spend enormous amounts of our money on stimulus programs all they are doing is moving resources from one area to another and creating a temporary shallow relief, if it does anything at all. For example, remember cash for clunkers, cash for caulkers, bank bailout, summer of recovery and the latest the housing tax credit. All of which, did no permanent correction or fix to this economy. After this many attempts, what is it going to take for our leadership to understand…..it’s not working, STOP!

Let’s focus on the recent housing tax credit. Did you see the reports the month after it expired, existing housing sales dropped by 27%, in one month! The worse home sales decline on record, since we started keeping records from 1968. In mid August when these terrible numbers came out, we saw reports that asked, “Has the Housing Recovery Stalled?” I got one thing to ask, Seriously?

A stimulus isn’t a recovery. A stimulus is nothing more than a temporary shallow fix so, if in the mean time you aren’t implementing solid economic strategies that instill confidence, fix corruption and allow business and individuals to make as much money as they can, recovery will never happen.

Today we learned the unemployment numbers rose to 9.6%. Let’s get down to brass tax, if people don’t have an income, people can’t keep or buy homes. Folks, unless the Government gets serious about creating jobs, foreclosure will be around for a long time.

How does anyone create a job?

Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Tax Payer need to be confident enough to invest in their communities by opening up a sandwich shop, a bike retailer, a coffee house, a “you fill in the blank”.

Confidence is key to our housing recovery. Business owners need to know what their expenses are and more importantly that they aren’t going up. This Government has got all of us asking, how much for Obama Care, how much for the next bailout, how much does Barney Frank want to spend, don’t forget, Nancy Pelosi wants some to. Who is going to go out, and put their life savings in an environment where the bottom line is hazy at best?

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BPO’s = REO’s Myth

Ok, now that I have your attention, let me share some valuable insight into the BPO = REO myth. Not every BPO gives you the opportunity to get the REO. Truth is, it rarely does. To understand this, you need to understand the BPO process. BPO’s are generally ordered after an offer has been submitted on a REO or Short Sale. That’s right, after the offer so, obviously you have no chance of getting that property as a REO. So, some argue that the BPOs get your name in front of the Asset Manager….ok, yeah it does but, how many people do you think your are competing with to get the attention of the Asset Manager by using their BPOs? Not the best way to get their attention, if you ask me. Lastly, BPOs give you invaluable experience that REO Asset Managers require. Now this is actually very true. Most of the time, if you are lucky enough to get an interview with an Asset Manager, one of the first question you’ll get is, how many BPOs do you do? This is because it tells the Asset Manager how active you are in a particular area and therefore, sheds some light on just how much “experience” you have in evaluating Fair Market Value. Oh, I almost forgot, those pesky little Default Designations / Certifications. So do they offer anything for you….well, mostly not. Unless the Designation / Certification training is offered directly by a lender or the lenders exclusive REO outsourcer. So, that is why on our home page, you will only find an exclusive handful of designations / certification and professional membership organizations that are vouched for by our REOPro Members. So, be very careful when buying that certification / designation because, it may not do a damn thing for ya. So that reminds me, here is a great blog of mine you might want to read over, “REO Designations, what is your opinion on them, are they worth it? And REO Schemes you should watch out for. So, how do you get that elusive REO? Well, I am going to reference one of the very first blogs I ever did here on REOPro, follow this link to learn more, How to start doing your first REO. Hope this helps out. Good luck
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