rank (2)

Does your city rank high or low?

It’s raining foreclosures, in these cities. In a recent article July 30, 2009, Foreclosures: How Bad is your City?, Les Christie with CNNMoney list out the top 20 ranked cities where foreclosures abound. He quotes his source, RealtyTrac and here is their findings. Ranked # 1 is Seattle with 1 in 107 however, that’s up from the first half of 2008 by 72% Ranked # 2 is Minneapolis 1 in 90 up 58.6% Ranked # 3 is Phoenix 1 in 22 up 51.7% Ranked # 4 is Miami 1 in 28 up 40.9% Ranked # 5 is Tampa 1 in 39 up 31.5% Ranked # 6 is Chicago 1 in 59 up 30.3% Ranked # 7 is Los Angeles 1 in 42 up 29.9% Ranked # 8 is Riverside 1 in 17 up 11.8% (I have no clue where Riverside is) Ranked # 9 is Atlanta 1 in 49 up 11.5% (Did any of you know that one of the women from the “Real Housewives of Atlanta recent lost her home.) Ranked # 10 is San Francisco 1 in 52 up 8.7% Ranked # 11 is San Diego 1 in 37 however, they are down .1% (Woot woot) Ranked # 12 is Philadelphia 1 in 168 down a solid 6% Ranked # 13 is Washington 1 in 73 down 9.6% Ranked # 14 is Dallas 1 in 131 down 16.5% (my home town) Ranked # 15 is Detroit 1 in 54 down 16.4% Ok, I am tired of typing these out so, to see the rest, go find the article. I know, I am such a pill…..lol Fine, I will tell you # 20 but, that’s it. Ranked # 20 is Boston! 1 in 144 down 40.7% Just curious, what happened to Seattle, did Microsoft shut down or something?
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I am proud to announce that REOPro’s Google page rank is now up to 2. If you don’t know why that is important, let me explain. A Google page rank is a number that represent just how important your page is on the web. The more important you are, the more likely you will appear at the top of searches using keywords that describe your page. In other words, if someone does a Google search for “REOPro”, the more likely our page will appear at the top of the results that come up with a higher page rank. In fact, right now, we are number 8 out of 84,200 results with a current page rank of 2…that’s great! Now this is true with all our keywords, granted, none of them are as high as REOPro but, the higher our page rank, the more likely all those other keywords will start bubbling to the top. Keep in mind, those of you who blog regularly……the more appearances on the main page, the more likely keywords in your blogs will be ranked as well. For example, if you search “Jesse Gonzalez” you will get 2,800,000.00 results of which, I am in the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 10th slots, putting me in 4 of the top 10. If we change the keyword just a bit and type “Jesse Gonzalez REO” then I appear in the top 9 spots out of 163,000 results, not bad. The best part is, almost all of those 9 spots are my blogs. Do you get the idea? So, what can you do to help you improve your page rank as well as help out REOPro’s page rank? Linking is one of the most important things you can do to raise your page rank. Google calculates that if your page is important enough to have someone link to it, then that means something. So, if you haven’t put our REOPro badge on your main page of your website, you need to do so. Links and back links to industry related sites are the key to obtaining a high Page Rank. Thanks again all and good luck. I look forward to seeing those link request coming in.
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