There were quakes the last few days! Although I live in earthquake country (California), there have been quaking things this week. I should say something is happening in defaults and its registering in BPO's. Providers that I never get business from are suddenly providing requests, although I miss them because my blackberry email is slow.
This week I received 9 requests from one servicer through TAZA systems...and I had just considered cancelling my membership because I did not get the time I logged back in on a standard computer...the requests were taken. I got a request from Asset Value Partners yesterday and although it was 70 miles away in Lancaster, it was something that too was taken. Today I got a request from M2M about something in San Clemente and that too was taken.
I actually manged to get one form Old Republic.
Another thing I have noticed that they are tight generally as far as turn around times are 24-48 hrs...not much time to adjust if you have a busy schedule!
So to ask a rhetorical question... Is this just a hiccup? or is the "Big One" coming...the much anticipated REO release that has plagued us agents most of the year?
I have also noticed that different bpo vendors use different means...
Some just plain broadcast them out to everyone. ( Old Republic, Asset Valuation Partners)
Others use a tiered system...they give it to a preferred agent with a 15 min-4 hr dead time and then it gets released again.( Clear Capital, BPO Valuations Partners, Treo Reo)
Time will only will be exciting to see also the buyer ordered BPO's from Realty Pilot. I hope they come soon.