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As a current member of a Commercial real estate team and an eight year background in Residential real estate...I wonder how the world of REO is going to effect agents who are currently specialize in Residential REO's, but want to venture into the Commercial side of REO.

Do residential agents want the commercial REO's? And if so, are they getting listings from their asset managers?

If residential agents don't want the commercial REO's - where and/or who are those listings going to.

Do assest managers believe that residential agents have the knowledge to sell commercial properties? And do most asset managers have residential and commercial portfolios?

Is there a market for agents that do both residential and commercial? Or is it more effective to have a specialty within one or the other?

Does anybody think teaming up a residential agent with a commercial agent will be a proactive and profitable move for future REO business?

There are so many more questions and comments to make regarding this scenario that I can't mention all of them at this time. We are in a volatile and daily changing market that predicting the future based on history seems futile.

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