My Successful Asset Manager Encounter at 5-Star

If you had the opportunity to spend 10 minutes with and Asset manger, what would you say? How would you act? What would you do? Well I have to tell you my story. While attending the 5- Star conference I actually met and AM in my REO A-Z course. She was sitting at the end of the isle that I had to access to get back to my seat during a break. Since it was still a break and she was in conversation with another attendee I stayed and listened to the conversation, introduced myself and was invited to join in the communication.Well, anyone that attended 5-Star could tell you that AMs or anyone with a Red Badge was GOLDEN. ( I said I was one while standing in a food line and you should have seen the heads turn, I could have went right to the front of the line had a played the role; who knows what else I may have been offered?) Agents were inviting them to private parties, handing out CD's, Brochures, Resumes, etc.That has never been my style nor will it ever be. I didn’t give her my resume, or some fancy flyer, cd etc. I simply gave her my business card and told her that if she ever wanted an opinion from a real estate agent prospective, that is not attached to the transaction, to give me a call or send me an email. I also asked her to explain to me how AM's think to help me better do my job. That same night I got an email from her informing me that she thought what I had proposed was a good idea and she was going to keep my card.We'll guess what, she did keep my card and it's paid off and will continue to pay off so long as I keep performing. (I did run into her again at the conference and ask her to breakfast which was provided for all attendees. During breakfast conversation was about family, friends, and the awards being presented at the breakfast.)One BPO provider told me I was number 70 on there list and needed to wait for openings before I could be assigned BPO's or listings. This didn't sit too well with my FRIEND and within a day I received an email to signup and had my first listing the next day. It pays to have AM's in your corner and as friends take care of them and they will take care of you!!So if you ever get an opportunity to meet or sit with an AM at one of the many more conventions to come, sometimes the indirect approach is much better. JUST MY 2 cents, then again what do I know?? Hope you have found this helpful.
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  • Jonathan: Your story is truly an inspiration to me & thank you so much for sharing. You've given me a glimmer of hope. I've been experiencing the exact same frustrations. One closed door after the other. No matter how many on time BPO's I complete or conferences I attend, the door keeps closing. Last November, 2007, I attended AVM's Summit in Grand Junction, Colorado. There were maybe just a hand full from my area who actually attended. We were told that everyone who attended will be put at the 'top of the list for the REO Listings'. Since the Summit, I've received maybe a hand full of BPO orders from AVM & no REO Listings. The BPO's I did complete for them were all done on time & they actually told me I did a great job. I also do BPO's for several other companies & still no REO Listings. Since the beginning of the year, I personally have completed over 100 BPO's & still no REO Listings. I was going by the same philosophy as you to keep doing the BPO's & the REO Listings will come .....NOT! Honestly, I'm getting pretty burnt out with the BPO's. I wouldn't mind doing them so much if they would just throw me a bone every now & then. We don't earn our living by doing BPO's, we earn our living by selling Real Estate. I've been selling Real Estate for over 15 years. In the 1990's, I was one of few REO Listing & Selling Agents in my area. Not many Realtors wanted to work REO's back then because it was "too much work". It's a lot of work now but back then, it was 10 times the amount of work because we didn't have the technology we have today. Back then, it truly was specialized. Fannie, Freddie, HUD, VA, World, Home Savings, Wells, Bene/HFC you name it, I sold them all. But that was then. Unfortunately, all my Asset Management contacts from back then are no longer there. They all went away when REO's went away. Makes no difference if I sold REO's for them in the past, they still will not give me the time of day. Trying to get back in has been nearly an impossibility for me but I'm not ready to give up just yet. I agree 100% with Sunny Singh & kissing axx has NEVER been my style. I wish you continued success & thanks again for sharing your experiences.
  • Jonathan, Good for you, I totally agree with your approach, matter of fact most of my business is build that way. I often tell agents when you meet the AM’s for the first time, make sure you behave the same way when you met your father in law for the first time. You talk about everything but never directly ask for what you really want. You offer help, ask for advice on golf game or something, come across someone who is confident on everything that they do, admire them on their work but in no way be star struck or kiss axx etc. They know you have spent thousands to get here for one thing that is to get business. Be yourself, act professional and most of all get them to like you and the best way to do that is be different then everybody out there and do it with style and smile. You will be asked for your business card.
  • Jonathan,

    Thank you so much for your story. I signed up to attend REOMAC and though I am successful and have a dozen AM's that I work with, I am looking to add more. I have heard the stories of the AM's being bombarded with attendee's and I will keep my resume at home. I did have sticky notes made up though, hoping that will get me noticed.

    With all the changes happening today, it is worth it to go to the industry conferences. How else are we going to get educated on the changes unless we go where they are happening? Since this niche is so specialized it is even more important to attend these meetings. I have seen websites claiming that banks give out "free" listings. My listings have had a price of hard work, advertising and managment.

    I will be volunteering to run the microphone during one of the breakout sessions and I hope that I do get to meet someone who can help me further my business.

    Susan Cook, Principal Broker
    Metro Residential Realty
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