Search for an REO Professional by entering your zip codes in this format XXXXX, XXXXX,
92651,92688,92691,92692,92693,92694,92677, 92679,92656,92625,92660,92662,92663,92694,92657
I service the following counties.....
Orange and Riverside
Enter your state in the 2 letter abbreviation format.
I have the following REO Certifications, Designations and Memberships
REO Certification Equator, CDPE, SFR, ABR
How did you hear about REOPro Default Professionals
A Collegue
What is your business address? (Postal Format ONLY)
First Team Estates
900 Glenneyre St.
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
What is your office phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
What is your fax # (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Greetings Tiffany,
A few months ago, I decided to start sending a welcome email to all new members. First, just to say hello, but more importantly, to encourage you not just to be a member but a participant, as well.
I am a Maryland agent, and I've been a REOPRO member for over a year. I love it! It has been instrumental in increasing my REO business. There's a wealth of "free" information here. Before you submit a question to the network, research the answer. Just about any question you can ask about REOs has already been answered on the REOPRO website. You'll be surprised at what you'll find. May I also suggest that you join one of the groups and be a serious contributor? Share some of your experiences.
If you receive really helpful information from one of the members, send a "free gift" to him/her. It doesn't cost you a thing and makes the member feel really good, and by all means blog, blog, blog. It's the best way to become visible, stay visible, and generate REO business.
Please keep in touch.