Search for an REO Professional by entering your zip codes in this format XXXXX, XXXXX,
I service the following counties.....
I work in all of Palm Beach county Florida and also handle parts of Martin County. I also have a team in Anne Arundel County in Maryland servicing the surrounding Annapolis areas.
Enter your state in the 2 letter abbreviation format.
I have the following REO Certifications, Designations and Memberships
CDPE, Have been listing and selling REO;s for 6 years along with negotiating short sales and have performed 1000's of BPO's. I have the skills and financial ability to handle all of your preservation needs. Try me once you will not be disappointed!
How did you hear about REOPro Default Professionals
Google search
What is your business address? (Postal Format ONLY)
5105 Elpine Way
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
629 S. Bradford ST
Baltimore, MD 21224
What is your office phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
What is your fax # (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Hi ReBecca
I had problems to getting paid. Here is what i did
Send this people email saying that if you do not receive your payment in next week or so than you will start contacting individual homeowners for payment. Also you will file complain with MD and Florida attorney general office, Housing urban department and mortgage company. This is what I had tried last week and I received phone call from them next day informing that they are sending me check through ups 2 days air. Hope that this works for you.
Also call Lorie Carter 904-288-2004 ext 113 or 904-288-2013
good luck
Let me know how you make out.
CEO bryan guckavan 904-288-2004x 101
jamien derrence VP 904 288-2004x 011
jamie jones OPS MANAGER 904-288-2004x 167
Melissa Rivers ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 904-288-2004x 144, 904-288-2004 fax 904 886-2510