
  • I have one prelist with them right now. I do some of the free bpos for them, although I do not like to. They are on RESNET, which is their sister company. The last property I sold for them, paid a terrible commission, a whole $1250 for both sides.

    They are very pushy about time constraints, they will email you incessantly until the report is done.

    • I don't like RESNET. The whole idea that I have to pay ANOTHER fee for the priviledge of an REO listing is absurd. I emailed her back and said I would only do BPO's that pay.

      • I know, but that is the state of REO these days, I have paid over $400 for background checks so far this year and I have more that are needed. I think this is ridiculous.

        • LOL.  I too have paid for a couple of background checks, then got smart.  Since I got a copy of the ones I paid for, I replied to all other requests and told them that I had already paid for one and I would be happy to forward it to them but would not pay for another one since part of my annual state real estate dues is for background check and fingerprinting which was also done a few year back. 


          No more requests!!!

  • They will pay you if you insist.   I did a few for free, thinking listings would be forthcoming.  It never happened.

  • AVM is my favorite. They don't give listings but send all requests to one agent at a time. Gives me time to pull info on home to make sure I want it. If not, I decline and they go to next agent. Very fair and great to work with. Always pay on time.
  • No....yrs ago I did numerous freebies and received zero listings. They said they loved my work. Guess so since it was free to them. Back then they didn't pay. I would never work for free ever again. Especially now that they all want a full blown appraisal. Too much work for nothing.
  • I sent them an email saying I would only do the BPO's that paid.  After thinking about it and reading everyone's comments I kinda figured something like your situation was probably what would happen.

  • I've found with USRES, they will pay $100 for interiors.  I even got paid $200 for an exterior 1 hr away.  By the time you complete X amount of BPOs, you'll be money ahead instead of taking the listings.  I at least feel better I'm not working for free.

    • When she replied to my email she asked if I wanted to be on the "pay for BPO list" which would remove me from the list of agents getting listings.from them.  $100 for BPO's could well be worth my time.

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