
            • Nicely stated Wesley, you are right, if we stick together it would be considered price fixing. Our "union" NAR is trying to profit already so they are no help.  The only alternative we have s to simply stop accepting low fees and to request higher fees. I almost always ask for an fee increase on any order that comes my way.  If they don't want to pay what I ask, I move on. 

              • Agree totally.  I counter nearly every bpo offer with a higher fee.  Gas prices are only going up and we don't work for free.

              • I spoke to one of CARS legal attorney's and he said that these companies can legally ask you to keep paying for background checks.  I think that is ridiculous and NAR needs to put a stop to this fraudulent practice.  Somehow I think every rep that calls or emails you for an updated BG for Sterling is probably getting a kick back somewhere.  Think about it, when you have already done one within 2 months and then another rep calls from the same vendor asking you to do it again that means something is not right.  Why should any agent have to pay 12 times to the same BG company for the same type of business?  Their should only be (1) certified BG as well as other certifications like REO,SS etc...etc...done through the Bureau of Real Estate that is to be used for everyone even if it means doing it every year. That's still better than doing one for every BPO vendor which could be several.  All these platform companies like Equator,, CIAS and others are just ripping everyone off!!

                • I wondered why a background check on me was even necessary.  I've been a member of the NAR, MAR, Springfield Board of Realtors and Springfield MLS since 1981 and now they want to check on me?  Doesn't make sense.  Clear Capital is now asking for one and I don't mind, but why should I pay for something they want?

          • I would really like to get the clients of the customers our "non payment,having to beg" companies that we have to deal with and let their customers know what we are going through. I just can't believe that companies like Clear Capital,FAS,RRReview,Meridian,Goodman Dean and a few more pay well and pay regularly without any problems. How hard is to figure it out how to do it right and professionally. How do some of the bad companies that are still in business and go through agents like water through a screen stay in business with the word of mouth and reputation. I sure would hate to work for one of these companies. I would like to accept a large amount of orders from cetain companies that don't pay and just don't do them and have them be late and put them in a bind but I guess I would be as bad as them so I could not do that  but I will be honest I do think about it  !!

  • John,

    A few of our broker clients received this email...they basically moved it to their spam folders. Many of our brokers thought it was a joke..its real....

    Same contact numbers for AND ( another AMC) ..They (Keylink) have a very unique system of DUAL assigning a listing to "get better performance". To oversee the sale of the property, KeyLink will assign a full-time surveillance agent to each asset. "This agent will generate weekly reports on the marketing and maintenance of the property, and he or she will report on the responsiveness and knowledge of the listing agent." Everyone in business school can tell you when you have more people managing a situation it gets resolved faster...

    Waste of least what they are pricing your knowledge at...Surely someone who is going to spend many millions of dollars to buy a set of properties or 100's of properties can afford to spend more than $30 dollars a pop on "due diligence". After all, what type of diligence do you expect for $30?

    Joey Singh
    Ameritax BPO Inc.
    Business Development 

    Tax and Business Consulting
    AmeriTax Inc.
    Learn how we can increase your business with our marketing help!
    Skype: Ameritax1
    1 212 801 2390 Office Ext 888
    1 516 881 0126 Direct Operations Floor Line
    1 800 689 6028 Fax
    1 917 859 4400 Cell     

    • John, Joey, I responded to an email very similar to the one you posted earlier this year.  I can't recall the company but the email read exactly the same way. I was promised the listing if the company won the property at auction.  I didn't have to do an exterior only a desktop. The fee was the promise of the listing if they won the bid.  

      Needless to say, I never heard back from them after I completed the report. 

      Not sure how legitimate the whole thing was.  

  • Hello agents,


    I just got an email from new (?) BPO company (GO America Group) via RES.NET that they will pay me NON-NEGOTIABLE $30 Exterior BPO and possible lead to listing? Are they legitimate company? Anyone experienced with them? Thank you so much!



    Good Afternoon,


    I located your contact information on RESNET. Our company is looking for an agent to complete a BPO assignment on the above referenced property. This assignment is for a due diligence BPO in preparation for bid placement in an upcoming auction.  The non-negotiable fee is $30 for the completed BPO submitted by the due date.  


    This property is noted as occupied, an exterior inspection will be acceptable. Should our company acquire the property, you will be selected as the listing agent.


    The BPO must be uploaded utilizing ResNet and is due by end of day Friday. The value should be what you believe the property will sell for in approximately 30-45 days “AS IS”.


    Thank you in advance for your consideration and please contact me should you have any questions.




    <Name of the Rep>| GoAmerica



    • John, 

      I received one of those too. I actually went to take the pictures, but as I dug deeper into the requirements, I decided that I did not want to get involved with GoAmerica/Key Link. Part of the agreement was that you would play secret shopper by calling the listing agent once a month and acting like a buyer. Sorry, but this practice seems a bit unethical to me.

      • Thanks Fred, then we as agents need to put this company GoAmerica/KeyLink in the list of bad BPO companies to warn other agents in advance. Thank you very much!

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