
    • I got the notice too and decided they can find someone else to do their BPO's of the certification is going to be required.

      • What's funny is Clear Capital wanted for the background check or you wouldn't get some BPOs and I waited and still got BPO's but finally relented and sent it and don't seem to be getting any more than before so this SAM money seems ludicrous even though they do send me some BPOs some are gone before I can even get there, so what good is that certification going to do me?  I don't know if I will AND they have a date deadline of the 11th of March, not much notice to come up with the money.

  • Just got an email from Quandis and SAM saying they have developed a BPO certification course that all agents will be required to take. After doing BPO's for approx. 10 yrs. I don't feel I need to pay $50 to take this course. I have enough business without it-so goodbye Quandis and SAM.

    • Lavina, some other bpo companies have gone the same route. As their bpo business slows down or dries up they try to get a few extra bucks out of us agents by claiming that we now need to take training courses.

      • They aren't going to get it from me. They can find another agent that is willing to pay for business, I'm not.

    • Can you share your past or present experience with Market to Market please? They sent me an order today. First time. I remember seeing its name here, but I do not remember if they pay or not. I am too afraid of putting the time and trouble like with Evalonline.
      • I stopped working for Mark to Market last year, they are very slow to pay.  I think they are also MSI if I am not mistaken, I don't take any orders from them either.

      • I've not had any orders for Market to Market but have seen posts saying they don't pay.

        • Thank you Lavina. 

      • If you look at some of my past posts, Mark to Market does not pay very well and you almost have to beg for the money. Last check I received from them was for BPO's that I did over six months before receiving the check. Many people on this forum still have not been paid. I would not recommend that you do work for them, unless you do not see a problem with waiting 6 months for payment. I have stopped doing BPO's for them since mid year last year. 

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