
      • When I get concrete facts about what type of form it really is and if this vendor is in the wrong (not sure yet), then I will let everyone know about who they are if they are actually in the wrong.  In the meantime, i will be searching on different forms that appraisers use in the field,

    • Finiti uses an ACI Worksite that you have to download prior to doing orders for them.  However Finiti is a great company to work with.  In addition this particular form they use is by far the easiest to use.

      • I like Finiti. they pay quickly.  I have some trouble with the mapping system and they usually have to override it for me, other than that I have no issues.

      • So are you saying that the "ACI" form is a standard BPO form or is it a form used for actual certified appraisels?

        • I can only speak from my experience with Finiti.  It is a very simple form requiring limited data and comments.

          • Ok, so sendng me a private chat tells me your unwilling to blog whether you know its a standard BPO or not and only stating its a simplified form? All companies use the term "simplified" when they are making changes to make things easier.  Though, the term "simplified" still does not take away the fact what type of form it actually is. Thanks anyway...

            • I believe it is a standard form.  I was just saying it is a super easy form.

          • I don't work with Finiti that's why I ask, I think it would be simply just to say if its a standard BPO form if you know it is?

          • Are you paying any fee for using this form?

            • FYI I did alot of BPO's for LPS and did not really have a problem. I was getting $48 for the Smart form and the longer forms and $38 for the other shorter forms. Now that they are Servicelink. They wanted me to do all reports for $30 for exteriors and $50 for interiors.  I told them no and what they did was increase the exteriors to $35 and I am about to change that or make an attempt at it and if results are not satisfactory than will decide to stay with them or not. The still have the two day turn around. I can't believe it $13 less a report for the exact amount and time of work. Stinks

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