
          • I do not have anyone I know at Landsafe. I have talk to a couple of people and they were hard headed and just basically said to bad. I only have about 6 or 8 reports they did not like in the last year and probably have done over 600 reports for Landsafe in 2013 that were just fine but that does not make any difference. I have only had a handful of reports this year and lately they will not even answer my emails trying to get more reports. It is funny with with the auto accept reports. Some companies say they will not give reports to someone who does auto accept and others have no problem with it. I think the BPO companies just want the reports done and they really don't care about us out here they just want the reports done

            • I think there is a slow down overall. I am getting more property inspections, which are now almost half of what I do. I still do a lot for Altisource or OCWEN, whatever they call themselves now. if you are willing to expand out your area of coverage, they will often call you and directly assign at a higher fee. I miss many of the autoassigns, unless they are in a rural location.  I do not like auto assigns at all.

              • I tried to do Altisource but I only get them when they mail me directly as the do alot of agents at the same time. I can never get one when they just throw some up on their site as I am never fast enough. I could be on the computer an Altisource order comes up while I am sitting there,I log in in 15 seconds and the order is gone. I do not have auto accept and don't even know how to get it but I am thinking I would like to get it as I am losing alot of orders not only on Altisource but also on RRRiewiew and others.LSI has me on their "S" list cause I had 8 rejected reports over the past year and they did not like my rebuttal. Silverlink also has slowed up as they told me that I would have to do reports for $30 to get any work and I told them I can not do a report for $30 but gave them a figure higher than that but not much and I have been blocked out. Clear Capital has slowed cause they tell me I am in great standings but there are alot of agents in my area.

                • try expanding out your area.

        • James, 

          Agreed, Inspection Port's have high QC kickback rates.  A lot of the BPO work right now seems to be mixed across the board so its really good to diversify your portfolio.  Altisource has many agents automating captures, RRReview has to be manually captured due to their captcha but overall a good company to work with if you can grab a percentage of the work...same with BPOFulfillment.  If you would like any other advice, please feel free to add me.

          John Gattinger

          • I don't like RRReview, I have always ended up not doing bpos for companies that have outsourcing. they abuse agents. there are so many other companies out there that pay well and on time and don't hassle agents every fifteen minutes for a report.

  • First of all I do not accept BPO's from any company that takes longer than 30 days to pay. I lost a lot of money in 2012 and 2013 from Broker Price Opinion and several others. I do not leave my home for less than $50.00 for property inspections and $100.00 to $250.00 for interior and exterior BPO's. Desktops I will do for $35.00 and even they are time consuming. I initially started in 2008 for the listings but I have never received listings from any of the companies I did BPO's for, this is a trick to get your work for free. I finally narrowed the companies down to the BEST ones that pay. Clear Capital, Corelogic and Proteck .

    • Any company that say's you will get the listing if your BPO wins the bid is LYING TO YOU!  They are just using you for a FREE BPO.  What ever you do, do not take these types of assignements.

      • Wins what kind of bid? If you are talking about an investor bidding on a group of mortgages, Kondaur Capital DOES assign the listing to you as long as they foreclose. If they go for a short sale, they try to get the listing steered to you but the borrower can choose their own agent. They also try workouts, etc.
    • what market are you in? I have never seen any client pay that much for bpos. I have gotten $50 to $60 for inspections but the most I was every paid for a driveby has been $175 and I get about $150 for commercial bpos.  I can get over $100 for rural locations, but not that much.

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