
I got an email yesterday from RealtyPilot about a class that would give me "special preference" for bpo orders.  It is an "extensive and valuable course", for $59.  And by the way, here is your discount code!  Did anyone else get this?  It sounds like another way to generate revenue to me.  Any comments??



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  • Not a single one in my area. Anyone else get any?

    • I received 3 of these mails from Realty Pilot, on came from DougW.  I sent him an email back and asked what if anything would increase by my taking this course.  I received no reply back.  I have worked with Green River Capital for quite some time, long before Realty Pilot, and that's the only company I get anything from in Realty Pilot.  

      I would say save your money.  It's a  revenue maker for them.  

      • Mary, I forwarded all inquiries to Tony Rosales, our Director of Broker Relations. He will be addressing your concerns if he hasn't done so yet.

  • As the BPO pool dries up can expect to see more and more BPO mills and associated companies looking to get YOUR money while they make promises that they can get you in front of AM's and BPO companies with promises of increased work and ahead of everybody else for the price of a membership or taking some course. Ask the BPO company to provide written proof that a Federal or State agency now requires all agents or brokers that does BPOs to complete their required course. And you know what, they can't. If they want something more than a BPO they would have to hire a licensed appraiser.

    Wake up people! Most of us have been doing BPOs for a year or longer. And as brokers/agents we know how to value a property. We do it before we go to listing appointments and checking to see if a listed property is listed at, below or above market value for our Buyer clients.

    So there is no reason for us to be paying and taking these so called required courses. And it's not a requirement by any Federal or State Agency. We are not licensed appraisers and we have to make sure that we are not "presumed" to be appraisers in a court of law or by a state regulating body of real estate. Unless you want to go to jail for a few years.

    Remember a BPO is a Broker Price Opinion and therefore YOUR opinion of value. Not an appraisal.

    In short there is no reason to be paying any company a membership fee or a, so called requirement by some BPO mill, to be taking a BPO course because it is all a scam just to take money out of your pocket before the BPO pool has completely dried up.
    Otherwise I'd like to sell you some lunar property that has a great view of the Earth. Be the first on your block that owns property on the moon.

  • Shirlene - are you already paying for Realty Pilot? Is it paying for itself? I would think this kind of training would be free for paying members.
  • I have also asked to see a course outline and have yet to receive one.

    • Michelle,

      I sent that to you the day you requested it.

      I will resend.

      Tony Rosales

  • Just curious ... how many of you are actually seeing a revenue stream as a result of your membership with Realty Pilot?  I am not seeing anything but a trickle that comes in and then the fees are so low, it isn't even worth putting the key in the ignition.  I personally would need to see a much better income stream from them to even consider this.  

  • Full Disclosure...I work for Realty Pilot.  We implemented this program at the request of some of our current and potential clients.  We have 22,000 agents in our system. What clients want is some assurance that the agents they use have proof that they understand the basics of doing a BPO correctly (via an educational course and exam) while also ensuring that their license, E&O, and W-9 were all current and uploaded in the system.  If you are a BPO expert already, you can skip right to the 50 question test, upload the necessary docs and get the designation next to your name so that when our clients assign BPOs (they make the assignments, we don't...we just provide the software platform), they will see that you've completed the course and it gives them some assurance that your BPO will be done correctly and that all of your necessary legal and professional documents are updated which reduce their overall risk exposure.  BPO Traffic Controller is more than just getting BPO assignments through Realty Pilot.  The software is designed to make completing BPO's for nearly every organization out there easier to complete and giving you a clean and easy-to-use system to track all of your BPO work in one place, including your payments for that work.

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