mac (13)
Fannie Mae Direct Broker
Dear Agents/brokers:
Can anyone give me any advice on how I can become a Fannie Mae direct broker. I do work with a minority owned woman brokerage. I hear that is one good way to start? Please advise on who I can contact. I have plenty of REO experien
Read more…Freddie Mac Vendor Supplier Request
They have sent me a to fill out a questionnaire in case they decide to open the gates for new REO Listing Brokers. Something is cooking in their pots, I have received phone calls from the Washington D.C. area asking for my opinion on how fair the RE
Read more…Equator and MACs
So, I have run into a snag with completing BPO's and MSR's on my MacBook. Equator Tech Support and AppleCare tell me everything is set properly and should be working but, IT DOESN'T. I get to the bottom of the report ready to upload photos and nothin
Read more…Anyone attending AREAA Conference in San Francisco?
Hi guys! just checking to see if anyone is attending AREAA conference in San Francisco?
Read more…FreddieM interviews at the FiveS 2010 in Dallas any success after that?
Did anyone had any success with FreddieM after FiveS conference?
Read more…REO Drop in volume?
We've seen a drop in our REO volume for North Florida for several of the agents in this area that we work with. We were curios if any other REO agents have seen a decrease also and if they had any input as to why? August was the slowest month we've s
Read more…Anyone heard about upcoming 2010 NAHREP/AREAA conference in Vegas. Promoted by NEW VISTA AM
I've got this invitation and want to share with more of you.
REO Asset Manager Roundtable & Industry Best Practices Event
NAHREP/AREAA members only and membership wi
Freddie Mac Listing Agent Interviews
Housing Wire just announced that Freddie Mac will be conducting Listing Agent interviews at the REO Expo in a couple of weeks in Dallas. Is this a sign of new times upon us? Is a part of the dam cracking open?
Launch Date for HomeSteps HomeBase System Delayed is getting a makeover! Just got an email that the new website launch date for HomeSteps HomeBase has changed from Feb. 1 to March 1. The new site will feature a more modern look, easier navigation and an updated home search feature.
Read more…Good news for Titanium members?
Freddie Mac has launched an aggressive, proactive campaign to help troubled borrowers modify their home loans under the federal government’s mortgage relief program.The GSE said Tuesday that it has hired Titanium Solutions, Inc., a homeowner contacti
Read more…Property Preservation
Are their any REO Agents, Bank Depts, and other real estate professionals in GA in need of a reliable property preservation service provider ?
Read more…REOMac - has anyone been successful in joining in the last 6 months?
I have been on the REOMac agent 'waiting list' to join since August (2008).Does anyone have any tips for getting signed up as a Member outside of sitting on this waitiing list?They only have 4 agents for the State of Oregon and all are in NW (Portlan
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