
  • I was a sucker,,paid for the Equator Certifications for REO and Short Sale,,way back when I was new to the REO business, I thought I would get listings and I paid for several zip codes in my area. That was 10 yrs ago and in that time, I have not received 1, nada, zip, from them whatsoever. These people should be sued!!! Duping many,many agents out of their hard earned money.

  • Bought it at a discount in Sep 2016. I've been answering the alerts relentlessly but so far it resulted in nothing... 

    • Hi Gene, Hi Steve, are you still receiving the REO Alert emails from Equator?  I stopped receiving them in August of last year (2017) is why I am asking.

  • I hate to say it but I took the bait on this because it was like 199.00  and you receive REO notices

    Well I have been doing REO for 25 years now and they even had sent some notifications about a condo rite behind my office , and I still got nothing , FYI I dont even answer them when they send the notifications any more COMPLETE SCAM

    just buy a couple zip codes in your area and thats all you need

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