Direct link to REO and BPO companies.

Attached is list of Direct Links to 175 BPO, REO and Asset Management Companies. Some of them may have changed or are no longer in the business. So good luck and wish you much success.Enjoy and share. If you have any experience with any please share it and add comments.Chuck Bukhari


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  • Thank you Chuck! Great List. It is very generous of you to share it with us. I currently do BPO's for several of them but I am always willing to add more companies. Thanks again
  • Chuck,

    Thanks a lot! I have a quick question. I'm working with a Buyer looking to invest in high end luxury homes. Are there any of these asset mgrs that play ball on discounts if buying in bulk? Or is this a myth out there?
    • Bulk packages are great but they are usually a very mixed bag. You know-you kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince- kiind of thing. You may find one or two suitable properties and a bunch of junk mixed in but there's no way around it-you must take it all. I am doing much more bpo work lately for bulk bids. Interesting work and somewhat challenging. You have to come up with a price that the BUYER can sell it for usually in 30 days. The buyer then formulates a bid based on their desired margins. These guys need good info more than banks ever did. The banks property would sell eventually even if it came in high they could drift down to the tipping point and the lose is the lose. Buyers on the other hand will be stuck with out of pocket for any drag time and that can turn a profit into a lose.
    • Nate,

      Prior to joining NRES, Inc., which specializes in retail REO, my colleagues and I chased bulk REO for about a year and we never closed a deal for one reason or another. Now that our company actually controls the inventory we are able to offer multiple properties to investors. However, they have to be purchased individually. Let me know if you have any questions.
    • Hi Nate,
      From what I experienced it does not matter because they will get thier money one way or another so why would they sale by bulk. On th eother hand you can try the auction venue where your client may be able to do so but do not expect much. hope this helps.
  • Jusst swigned up - will let you know what happens - I am already signed up with several but appreciate you sharing yoiur info!
  • Thanks so much for sharing.
  • I absolutely love working with Integrated Asset and Goodman Dean. Does anyone have a contact at Keystone?
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  • Thanks alot!
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