Hi all,
Does anyone know how to apply to be an REO agent for BofA? It shows they have a Preferred REO Agent Network....do they only assign to RE offices or will they accept individuals??? Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Hi all,
Does anyone know how to apply to be an REO agent for BofA? It shows they have a Preferred REO Agent Network....do they only assign to RE offices or will they accept individuals??? Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
You need to be a member of REO Pro Network to add comments!
Outsourcers that BAC uses referred most of the agents getting in. I recieved a random email with the app package, got my interview call 10 days after, and got my first listing less than a week after the interview. BAC is ready to drop the other shoe!
Vitality- I received the same email from BAC yesterday but no links or attachements in there. COuld you please email me the attachments, it says we have a week to complete them but I have not response from my request to them yesterday. Email address is here: mike@annearundellistings.com
Thanks- Mike
Who is our local B of A loan rep supposed to contact to recommend me to them????? None of mine seem to know who above them runs the show to get to the REO contact who then recommends me to get the invite and phone call? Who Who Who can my loan rep call? What is the phone number or email address please? Send to johnshipstead@kw.com
I have applied online and uploaded docs to Equator, but I still wonder..... IF I was not actually "invited" by the email received from B of A, and phone interview, then would I actually be "found" on Equator if an Asset was assigned in my area?