I have been notified by my outsourcer that Fannie Mae has pulled all of their listings for my state and taken them in-house.  I have been trying to become a FNMA direct broker for some time with no luck. 

Has anyone else experienced this? 

Can you share if your state was ever given back to the outsourcers?

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  • Justine - Same here too!  My all my other outsourcers are stagnet also.  We seem to have a "bottle neck" situation going on in our state the last few months.  I'm used to handling about 40 to 50 assets at one time and am down to 4.  NONE of my outsourcers have been getting anything in Oklahoma.  I'm hoping things break loose soon!
  • Justine - This happened to use in October or so.  And the only way I was "notified" was because I asked, not because they volunteered the info.


    Vanessa - I'm in Oklahoma.



  • Which states are you guys located?
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