
  • It depends on the client. Some of USRES' clients require that the asset be managed on Equator.
  • Wow! Everyone is going to Eq and is still charging brokers an arm and a leg for the amp product. Soon they will be out of business....And I actually like RES.NET...Sad.....
    • I do like res, but feel like equator is more advanced.
  • I just got a new one three days ago and it is on
  • Only the Home Loan Services account which is now Bank Of America.
  • I know some banks have change everything to equator including Fannie Mae, so if USRES is outsourcing for them, they have switch to Equator as well.
    • That can be the case! I was shocked to see that.
      • Out of curiousity, were they FANNIE MAE listings? I was told USRES no longer services Fannie where I'm located (CA)
        • All the outsources doing Fannie are now using Equator, and Fannie direct will start using Equator sometime next year.
  • USRES owns
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