Living in Connecticut I have been watching all news about the terrorist attempt in NYC. Today's news update; the suspect Faisal Shahzad Shelton, CT home is in foreclosure, and he had moved to an apartment in Bridgeport CT. sometime last May. Chase Home Finance sued Shahzad in Sept. 09 to force the foreclosure. This is all "too close to home" as they say. I am in Shelton & Bridgeport all the time, luckily it won't be me offering him CFK, as he is already out. The most frightening thing to me is that the wife and baby look so "normal" in the family photo. I wouldn't have hesitated to enter their home if she answered the door. I am glad he is in custody, however I wonder why security doesn't scrutinize passengers that pay for overseas flights with cash, seems like a no-brainer. It is also disturbing to hear the list of terrorist targets- Time Square, NYC subways & Staten Island Ferry. During April vacation I brought my daughter to see The Adams Family on Broadway, took the subway & the ferry so she could see The Statue of Liberty.
I too have been watching the terrorist info with great interest, as I live on LI. Stones throw from NYC. Lots of family all over the place. None of us live in is really scary to think that someone could have offered cfk for this idiot.
Stay safe and follow your gut, God always lets you know. Learn to listen....
Beth & Marquese- I agree, I refuse to live my life in fear. BTW, the Staten Island Ferry is one of the best kept secrets in NYC- it is FREE!!! It doesn't take you to The Statue of Liberty, but by it & Ellis Island. When I went in April it was a beautiful day and the sun was setting & she looked magnificent. I hope you'll both get a chance to see it.
Chris, I know you are probably saying that in jest. The news played that angle poor guy, probably upset over losing his house .... NO, he went for terror training, came back and did a Strategic Default, moved family to Pakistan, and came back to Bridgeport to carry out his plans.
Generally speaking: I so agree with Beth. We cannot live our lives in fear of anything but what ever higher power you may believe in. For me, it is God. (But I probably grew up way worst than most of the people on this site) But that's no excuse because for me because I value life and the FAVOR which has been placed upon my life. We never know what type of situations we are going into dealing with REOs. That's why can't no anyone do this job! We have to be counselors, preachers, listeners, have sympathy cause you never know if that will ever be you loosing your home. I am glad that they caught him and there's no excuse for taking a person's life or trying (Unless its self defense); but I am glad that your babies saw the statue. I've been there and there was a cop killing on The Island so I couldn't go...:( Keep selling Billie you are a great Broker!
We can't live our lives in fear or the terrorists win!! I say, let's just enjoy this great country we live in and not let others think they can intimidate us!!! Glad you were able to see the Statue of Liberty, that is one of my dreams someday.
Stay safe and follow your gut, God always lets you know. Learn to listen....
Chris, I know you are probably saying that in jest. The news played that angle poor guy, probably upset over losing his house .... NO, he went for terror training, came back and did a Strategic Default, moved family to Pakistan, and came back to Bridgeport to carry out his plans.