thankfulness (1)

Reasons To Be Thankful

It's true, the economy is not as strong as it has been in the past. Several of my friends that own successful businesses are genuinely concerned about future prospects and our own industry is not entirely out of the woods. The market today is very challenging and constantly changing. Even though we have incredible loan rates and amazing prices, closing transactions in this environment takes a great deal of work which may or may not succeed. All that being true, each of us have reasons to be thankful.

Recently, I was invited to accompany a friend that engages in a prison ministry at the local county jail. A guy I went to high school with had mentioned my name and remembered me from the old days. Evidently, through a series of wrong decisions and poor choices, he has squandered a most promising life. Back in high school he was a gifted athlete with a quick mind and was a popular figure on campus...the future looked good.

As I sat across the plexi-glass partition, it dawned on me that I didn't feel sorry for him at all. I realize that sounds harsh but it's true. He has no one else to blame but himself. The experience did make me take account of my own life and see that we are accountable to ourselves, the decisions, the choices we make and how it affects our present and future. You see, we can decide to be positive, we can choose be grateful for the gifts that we do have now. It's interesting what you will find when you actively look for reasons to be thankful.

For me it's my family and the happiness they bring me. It's also about developing as a spiritual man and refining my personality. Having a measure of health is priceless. I am also fortunate to live in an area that most would gladly switch places with me.

What about you? What are you thankful for?

Richard Snowden

Big Rich Realty, Inc.

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