tenantaccess (1)

I'm One of the 348

According to a recent article in Managing REO-With the passage of the Protecting Tenant at Foreclosure Act, the expansion-minded TenantAccess is increasing its capacity to service all of the United States.The company, a subsidiary of FirstService Corp., recently hired 348 property managers to be in charge of maintaining buildings, paying bills, collecting rents and communicating with tenants. As a vendor to property owners, including government agencies, TA’s forte is rehabilitating, leasing and managing homes.“We originally started with 5,000 potential managers and have selected 7% from this group,” said Paul Hayman, president of Austin, Texas-based firm.“Although we have selected the bulk of our property managers, we anticipate a continuous process of selection as we meet the expanding needs of our clients to provide rental and property management services throughout the U.S.”Just completed second assignment from them, and have been told they just secured a new client, and will hit the ground running in January. Still not sure of all the in's & out's. So far tenants have been Section 8 subsidized.Assignment #1, meet with the tenant and she tells me "Oh by the way I was already offered $3500 to move, and I'll be out by January 10th" She also wanted to know if she could get more. First of all her portion of the rent is $135/month, secondly the other unit is still occupied by the previous owner. I'm thinking $3500 CFK's??? It's a bonanza for someone paying $135. I would've offered $900. Sec 8 would've relocated her & paid expenses anyway.Anyone else receiving assignments yet?
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