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Work A Holic Realtors and Asset Managers

I was in the office today catching up on bookwork and low and behold I received notification that I had just received two new listings. Glory be, it's Sunday afternoon and I'm in the office all by myself. Can I get everything done?? I will just say this, I was able to get the listing agreement signed, the referral agreement signed, occupancy check completed, the pictures taken of the interior and exterior of both units, contacted the other listing agent that had them as short sales to notify her, ordered the locksmith for change out of locks tomorrow, did a quick lien search and obtained all the tax research records for my asset manager.Then as soon as I got the occupancy check updated in the system, I got the order for two BPO's. It is now 7:40 at night, I was able to get both listings completely ready including BPO's (I still have the HOA to do, but the HOA People obviously aren't workaholics) Plus I got my operating account and escrow accounts balanced and reconciled!!!And I was able to email my AM and tell her she was a workaholic also. We laughed over that one. I am hoping it pays off!!My question to each of you is this, am I spoiling my asset manager by getting everything done so quickly or am I allowing myself more time for this week for new and upcoming listings. Auction at the courthouse was last week, so I am hoping to get more listings this week. What is your take on my "Can Do Quickly" attitude?Actually I am needing a blog to keep up with my requirements here and couldn't think of anything worthwhile that you all haven't touched on. So the smart alec in me comes out!!
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