showing (3)

So much time I've spent in writing about non paying asset companies, that I decided this would be a fun blog.

Briefly tell of the funniest thing that ever happened to you while showing a house.

Years ago, I had a listing and had a client call to look at homes.  So in those days I took them everywhere.  They weren't interested in driving themselves like so many do today.  A young woman and her two children, one of them a baby about a year old and a younger child came with me in my car.

One of the houses was empty and the client said she wanted to get something to drink at the store almost next door and would I hold the baby while she went.  I said sure and she walked the short distance to the store while I sat outside on the porch stoop.   Not soon after she left and her baby found out his Mommy was gone, he started crying.  I couldn't calm him down and then the worst of it came.

He had on paper diapers that weren't that tight and he peed all over me.  That topped it off, getting peed on.  She returned shortly and was apologetic and I took it all in good stride.  I can't remember if I made a sale or not that day, it was about 30 years ago, but never forget the baby's attitude towards me.  

That's just one funny event, how about yours?

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I have a field team of 3 that are awesome. One of the field people, Ida, is a lady in her late sixties that doesn't have to work, but just loves the hustle of driving around and being out in the field.  For 60+, she's in great shape and is the kind of woman you wouldn't want to cross (I almost lost an arm-wrestling match to her a few years back!...Like I said ALMOST...LOL).

Anyways, a while back she went to check one my vacant REO properties in a sketchy part of town.  She made her way through the house checking the living room and bedrooms to make sure all was okay when she heard the shower running at the rear bathroom. She opened the door and found a squatter in the shower, butt-naked, ding a ling out and all!!  Now if this was me, I would have backed out fast, went out to my car, and called the police.  Ida took a different approach and scolded the man for trespassing. He pulled on his boxers quickly and as he was angrily stomping towards her yelling at her "Get out!", she whipped out her camera and started taking pictures of the squatter!!! (I posted photos to my website: He ended up grabbing his stuff and running off, but I couldn't believe this story!

Of course my staff's safety is my top concern and we discussed better ways for her to handle this the next time....but HOLY CRAP!! I don't know if Ida was crazy, stupid, or just a bad-ass 60+ female version of Braveheart.

If this was you, what would you have done? Anyone have any scary run-ins with squatters on your listings/showings?

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Thought I'd put this question out there because in the past 6 months, I have shown at least 3 houses that I believe were Meth Labs. None of these homes were my listings and in bringing the topic up to the listing agents, I got a reaction like "okay thanks for telling me" and I had the feeling that these agents did not have a clue as to: 1. The fact that a "meth lab" can be located in any neighborhood, within any class and income level; 2. What the signs and symptoms were 3. The possible serious effects of being exposed to a past or present Meth Lab;

5 Signs Your Listing May Have Once Been a Meth Lab

Are you living in a former meth lab?

This is a gray area as far as disclosure, because an agent may have no clue they are even showing a current or former Meth Lab and as you have heard recently, there are horror stories of buyers purchasing homes which have been used as Meth Labs that have caused them to become sick; Some have even had to "walk away" from their house because of the sometimes very expensive remedies for correcting a house with traces of meth throughout. Before you say, "how could an agent not know they are showing a Meth Lab", read the following fact:

Meth Labs can be setup in a small space such as a closet, a box, garage and any small area of a house; How many of us have showed our buyers a house that has that one locked room where the Sellers say they have valuables or "weapons" and will not allow access; As an agent, I have gotten into the habit of scanning a room before I enter it and also reading the body language of Sellers. That is why on a recent showing, when me and the buyers were about to enter a home where Sellers were present, the first thing I noticed was a "pantry" near the entrance to the kitchen that had 3 hinges on each side of the door with a pad lock on each hinge; VERY STRANGE; My antennae went up that they this was possibly a Meth Lab based on the fact that the husband made sure we did not get anywhere near this "pantry"; The husband had physical symptoms: rotted teeth, an emaciated appearance, and a sunken face, however, these could be symptoms of some other illnesses or problems, so I don't solely rely on a person's looks; The convincing point came when me and the buyer walked a few steps into the kitchen and the smell of rotten eggs and ammonia overwhelmed both of us; In addition, our eyes starting burning; I quickly asked my buyer to come outside with me and on the way out noticed the blue discoloration around the fire extinguishers; I explained to her that I believed the home had dangerous fumes that I did not want her or myself to be exposed to and kindly informed the Sellers we were leaving; As I am not a "Meth Expert" and only rely on information and previous experiences to determine whether a house was or currently is a Meth Lab, I did not pass this opinion onto the Buyer or Seller.

A question I pose to other agents on this forum is: Have you been in this situation and would you disclose to a potential buyer or seller that you believe a property is a "Meth Lab"? I'd love your feedback.

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