reo resume (1)

Points of a Great REO Resume

Not every Asset Manager will look at the REO Agents resume, however; some will and if it gets your foot in the door, make your resume count. Keep your resume to one page, they don't have time to read 4 pages about what you did 30 years ago. Make sure your initial heading is in large letters...your name, company, certifications and/or designations, the general area you are serving and phone number. Next... make sure your objective is all about the client, asset manager or lender, in other words how you will make their life easier by using your services. Next is you and your team's expertise and specialties.... such as technology, marketing, BPO management, etc. The next section is your service area, don't put your zip codes, put the counties that you serve, add something about being able to service assets in your counties within hours of assignment. The next section is experience and affiliations...put your average sales annually, list to sell ratio and the specialized groups and organizations that you are a member of. The last part is your REO references or partial list of references with a comment about a detailed review of references available upon request. The last thing at the bottom of your page, you may want to put your cell number, email and website. I thank the AM who critiqued my resume and gave me some of these pointers.
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