foreclosue (1)

Man, I get a bit crazy sometimes when a buyer agent refuses to control his clients and "keep them in the deal". REO process is slighlty different than straight residential and we give all the clues we're allowed to give by law and I'm amazed how a buyer's rep, maybe not experienced in REO, will disregard the "keys to the kingdom". We have experience and besides we represent the asset! I think my kids listen better (most of the time) :) I hope that agents representing those intending to buy/invest in REO will take the cue, and take the time, to please listen to the agent representing the REO asset. We can make the transaction smooth, get it done, and please our asset managers at the same time. That's the ultimate. Well this is today's rant, it's over, but I'm sure I'll have a new one tomorow!
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