divorce (1)

Divorce Real Estate


It's been said that there are "riches in niches", and divorce real estate is one such area that savvy agents can get a competitive edge. Sadly, over half of marriages end in divorce and while the house is usually considered the biggest asset of the marriage, it can also be the biggest point of contention given the financial and emotional value. 

How to establish yourself as the "go to" person in your market for divorce real estate? 

The over-arching message is, "now is not the time to hire a traditional REALTOR", that the decisions made during this trying period will have wide-ranging consequences that require the guidance of qualified professionals, including a real estate agent that understands the tax and financial implications of divorce. Moreover, you have the exceptional communication skills needed to facilitate negotiations between two spouses and represent both parties impartially. 

Want to get some ideas on how to market yourself as a divorce expert? 

To see the complete sites and other examples, you can visit www.jimrutkowski.com/portfolio to see a few example divorce sites. 

In future posts, I'll delve deeper into divorce real estate marketing. Till then, A-B-C. Always Be Closing! 

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