Ok....so for the past few months, I have been hearing a lot
of people saying that their REO Inventory has been slashed or REO is really
slow....or...."a decrease in REO inventory" however, I would like to
suggest an alternative opinion.
First, let's talk about one of the earliest steps to
foreclosure, the NOD or Notice of Default. Now, I have looked everywhere and I
can't find a single source authority on just how many have been sent out
monthly since the start of 2011 as a nationwide statistic however, I did find some
interesting articles on many different websites that lead me to believe that
the NODs are on the rise. Granted, I searched like 20-30 different websites so,
I can't realistically quote each one however, the overall trend was most areas
have seen a steady or slight increase in the number of NODs each month. I did
see some articles where some areas have seen a decrease in NODs but, these were
really rare and seemed to be in areas where the average home price was well
over 250k.
My point above is, most of us haven't seen the numbers of
NODs drop significantly enough to see such a dramatic decrease in inventory.
Let's be honest with each other....how can we have a decrease in NODs when we
haven't really seen a correlated decrease in the unemployment rate? Yeah, I
said it.....and yes, it's obvious. If you don't have jobs...or job growth then
how can you see a decrease or even a leveling out of NODs? You can't....well,
you shouldn't anyways.
Now, what I do see happening, more and more is that many
homeowners are staying in their homes much, much longer than ever before. I
remember a time when I would do a relocation assistance negotiations and the
homeowner had only missed like 7 payments. Now, it's more like 24.....as a
The sad truth of the matter is, regardless of how long these
people stay in their homes, regardless of whatever new "refinance"
plan the government can come up with, these people can't maintain a monthly
payment because they are too buys trying to find the money to pay their cell
phone bill, their electric bill, their car payment, car insurance, gas, bread,
milk, new shoes for little Jimmy and Susie, etc...
In short, yes....your inventory maybe shrinking...hell, it
my have even dried up but, it's not because no one in your service area is in
default, it's likely because the servicers and investors in your area are under
some type of regulations or "understanding" that if they don't want
to loose their FDIC insurance or be audited by the FDIC, they better slow their
roll on foreclosure and keep people in their homes....at least until after the
election that is.