assignements (1)

You don’t deserve a listing!

Ok, this blog is going to touch on a lot of nerves but, I need to write it because, I just need to. You don’t “deserve” a listing, that’s right, you don’t “deserve” anything to be completely upfront and honest with you. I grew up dirt poor, ugly as home made sin around a drug addicted, in and out or prison single mother who was more abusive to her children that she was ever loving. We lived on government assistance through out the majority of my young life and we even managed to come and go from shelters 2 years. I was oppressed, depressed and un-impressed with life. Now, I look back at my life and its hard for me to even imagine that lifestyle because I am so far removed from it however, I don’t deserve what I have now! I have EARNED, what I have now! I was part of a recent blog where someone wrote in and said they were glad to hear that the California Legislature was working to break up the monopoly some Realtors have on REO Listings. She went on to say, she “deserved” a REO listing for surviving through this economic downturn. THIS MADE MY BLOOD BOIL! I responded to her blog, ever so polite and, my point was, her “deserving” mentality seemed more like a socialist agenda straight from Karl Marx than it did anything else. Well, that launched a firestorm of comments, from people with all different aspects and opinions, which I knew it would. (insert evil capitalist laugh here) My point is, it took me three years to break into this business and even now, I am by no means a REO power listing agent, truth is, I can handle much more business than I have but, I don’t go around with a defeatist socialist mentality that says, “I deserve the right to be a REO agent”. I help those that come behind me by offering as much a resource as I can, not because the government say I have to……BECAUSE I AM THAT NICE OF A GUY! Those of you looking to get into this business, I really wish you the best of luck and, help yourselves by blogging, responding to forums, going to conferences, getting a formal education, partnering with a local REO agent and, overall contributing to this industry, it pays off, trust me! Those of you in this business, make as much money as you can and be prepared to fight for what you have because, the tsunami of agents is at the door and they are prepared, willing and in many cases able to take you down and take your business. I think it was Aristotle who once said, “Necessity is the mother of innovation” so, if it is necessary for you to become a REO Agent, then innovate. If it is necessary for you to remain a REO Agent, then innovate. Above all else, you don’t deserve anything you have, get out there and EARN IT! As the one and only Super Model of the World once said, “….YOU BETTER WORK IT!”
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